Chapter 3: A change...

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Iris felt weak. She knew this feeling and what had happened before was going to repeat again. Her new dark necklace glowed. It's light blinded Iris. Her blue eyes suddenly became purple. Iris transformed. When she was done her pink dress turned dark dark purple. As did her hair, cape and accessories. Iris had turned evil.

"Iris we're back!" Mephisto shouted. "And we have some here to see you."

Suddenly Nathaniel, who was being pushed in by Praxina and Mephisto burst through the doors.

"Tie him up! We'll see how Iris feels about this!" Praxina lifts her head up. "Mephisto! Where's Iris?!"

Mephisto shrugs.

"Can't you get anything right?! Just tie him up! Right this time!" Praxina turns to watch her brother.

Suddenly a giant purple crystal lands in front of Praxina. She turns around again and looks up at the rafters. Someone is hiding up there. Praxina manages to make out a girl with a purple gown and a sparkling crown.

"Come out, whoever you are." Praxina teases.

"If you insist!" Suddenly a dark Iris jumps down from the rafters.

"Iris?!" Everyone turns to look at Nathaniel. "Where is Iris? Why did you kidnap me!" Nathaniel demands.

"Iris is..." Mephisto giggles.

"Gone! Replaced with a better version. She isn't stuck up on some sick crush. And this one is also stronger!" Iris shoots an attack at Mephisto, who barely dodges it.

"What's gotten into her?" Mephisto turns to his sister, who looks at Iris. Her necklace glows.

"The necklace. It made her evil! Come on Mephisto we have to get it off of her." Praxina motions her brother to attack Iris.

"Take that!" Mephisto shoots his most powerful attack at Iris, who easily dodges it.

After Mephisto gives it a few more try's, Praxina try's with no luck.

"How are we going to beat her?" Mephisto asks his sister

"We make her on our side." Praxina smiles.

"How do we do that?"

"We turn her against the other princesses." Praxina walks up to Iris. "You know Iris, there is some other people who you should be more mad at then us. Auriana and Talia. They don't care that your gone. They never did. They just wanted to... oh... I don't know...use you and your power! They aren't your friends! We are. Trust the people who turned you to the right side." Praxina offers her hand to Iris.

Iris looks at it. "If what you say is true then... they lied?"

"Yes. And all we want is revenge on them. Like you. And we'll help you."

Iris grabs Praxina's hand. "Then we better get started."

"Iris stop!" Nathaniel shouts.

Iris freezes him in purple crystal. "That will shut him up!"

"Oh Iris! Before we go I have a little gift for you." Praxina gives Iris her old necklace. Only Praxina cast an evil spell on it. "This one is more powerful then the one your wearing."

Iris grabs the necklace and takes her old one off. Then she puts the new one on. Iris felt stronger.

"Let's do this! They deserve to be punished for what they've done!" Iris smirks. "The princesses will be nothing against the power of three!"

Sorry this chapter was so short and sorry it took so long to update. I know that this chapter may sound like an episode, but it's going to change into a more exciting story after a couple chapters.

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