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I looked at the room.
A couple of polaroids hung above a bed and there was a Panic! At the Disco poster on the wall.
A a girl who was probably 12 or 13, I wasn't sure, sat at a desk.
She had hair that reminded me of the color of marmalade that was pulled back in two French braids. I couldn't see her face because she was turned away from us, drawing or writing or something.

Emily went over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She was so absorbed in what she was doing, she jumped when she felt Emily's touch.

When the girl turned around she smiled really big.

"This is Clara." Emily said. She seemed just as happy as Clara did, they obviously knew each other well,
"She's 13 and has been here for ten years."

"Hey, I'm Dan and this is Phil." I said.

Her eyes were so pretty. A green-blue color like the ocean, and freckles dotted her small nose. She had small diamond earrings- four on each ear, and she was wearing a Twenty One Pilots shirt. "You like them?" I asked pointing to it, trying to make conversation. She nodded.

"What were you doing over there?" Phil asked, looking at the desk. 

Clara motioned for us to come over to where she was sitting.
She definitely didn't talk much, but that was probably just shyness.

We looked at the sketchbook she handed us.
As we flipped through the pages I couldn't believe my eyes! Her drawings were amazing! I admired the detail of one that looked like the inside of a clock, with a city on the gears. It was incredibly creative.

After about five more minutes of getting to know each other, Phil and I followed Emily back outside.

"She's so sweet!" Phil said as soon as the door closed.

"And has an unquestionable talent for drawing!" I added.

"Yes, Clara is a wonderful child." Emily said, "But that leads us to another issue, and I hope you will think about this before saying no, but while Clara is one of the sweetest, well-behaved kids here, she is also deaf."

What? Deaf?

I looked at Phil. He looked as confused and shocked as I felt.

I had been really confident that Clara was the one we would be taking home, but now I wasn't so sure.
Could we be responsible for a deaf child?

"She knows Sign Language and as long as you look at her when you talk, she has adapted to reading lips. She went deaf at age eight. She doesn't usually talk, but she has been taking speech therapy so hopefully she can gain it back," Emily quickly informed us,
"I understand if you'd rather take home Marty, but I assure you that Clara is an amazing kid."

"Can we think about it?" I asked.

She nodded, "I'll be here when you need me, there's a room right down there you can use."

Phil and I went into the empty room that she showed us.
"What do you think?" Phil asked me.


I was finishing my drawing when I felt somebody touch my shoulder. I jumped but quickly before I realized it was just Emmi. She signed for me to turn around.

 When I turned around, I couldn't believe it! Dan and Phil were staring back at me!

I had seen a lot of their videos, and although I wasn't a die-hard fangirl, they were really funny and gave YouTubers a good name.

I saw Emmi introducing me and they introduced themselves.
I just smiled.
I knew who they were.

We got to know each other, although I didn't say anything, my speech isn't the best, and then they left.

I knew this was the moment that would decide my future. Emmi and I had a deal that we wouldn't tell anyone I was deaf until after they got to know me. That way they could make a decision based on my personality. So far it hadn't worked very well.

A couple minutes later Emmi came back in.
'What'd they say?' I signed.
'They're thinking about it.' Emmi answered.

That's what she always says. My heart dropped. How could I have thought that two of the most famous internet stars could have wanted to adopt a stupid deaf girl?

I went back to my drawing as Emily left the room.

Plot twist, eh;)
Bet you didn't see that coming, am I right?
Anyway, don't forget to recommend, comment and vote! I love reading what you guys have to say about my story!

~day dreamer💜

Adopted by Dan and Phil (editing in process)Where stories live. Discover now