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I woke up in the best mood I had been in in a long time.
I skipped to the bathroom and applied light makeup with some lipgloss after getting dressed in a pale pink, off-the-shoulder top and black, skinny jeans.
I put my hair in two French braids and went into the kitchen.

Today Zoe and I were having a girl's day. We were going shopping and going to get our nails done and then go to her house for a movie. I was so happy to have a day that I could dress up nice and talk with Zoe, who had been learning sign language as well, and picked it up pretty fast.

I made myself some tea and went into the lounge to wait for Zoe.
After a few minutes, Phil walked in, "Well, I see you're ready for Zoe Day."

After Phil made himself some cereal, Dan came in as well. He had obviously just woken up. He had his hobbit hair and hadn't put on a shirt yet.

"CLARA! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING! I AM NOT LETTING YOU GO OUT OF THE HOUSE LIKE THAT!!" He signed and I could tell he was yelling it too.

I laughed.

"Ok, but seriously, why don't you just wear one of your band shirts. You look cute in them." He said after he was done with his teasing.

"Because I'm going out where people are, and Zoe isn't just 'cute' she's beautiful and I want to - you know, never mind." I signed. I was just trying to impress the goddess of all things beauty and fashion, but it was too hard to explain that to Dan.

Dan shrugged and went to get his breakfast.


Finally Zoe came and freed me from the shirtless, misunderstanding hooligans. We drove to downtown London to get some breakfast.

We went to the cutest cafe and I got French toast and she got a breakfast burrito.

"How are you doing?" She asked me.

"Good. Dan and Phil are really nice and have done so much for me." I signed slowly so that Zoe would understand me better.

"They are really nice lads aren't they." Zoe agreed. I was impressed by how well her signing was. Even Dan and Phil couldn't sign as fast and still make sense.

We finished breakfast and then made our way to the Nail Salon.
I picked my colors for a pedicure. Zoe translated for me.

We talked about our likes and dislikes and she told me about her love for YouTube and some of the super-secret plans she had for the future.

I got my phone out and took a selfie of us getting our nails done and posted it on Instagram.

After our mani-pedis, we went to the shopping mall.
It was so much fun! I had brought money, but Zoe insisted on paying. We went into Urban Outfitters and I tried on so many things I felt like I had brought the whole store into the dressing room with me. I left with one bag and Zoe left with two filled with new clothes.

We went into Asos and the same thing happened. We both came out with bags filled with t-shirts and accessories as well as a pair of shoes.

We had been shopping for four hours and it was already lunch time, so we we went to Nandos.

"That boy keeps looking at you." Zoe signed discreetly.
I turned around and sure enough a boy a couple tables over kept glancing at me and smiled when he saw me look at him.
"Creep." I signed.
"Oh come on!" Zoe replied.
"Zoe, I don't even know him and I'm only thirteen!" I signed in exasperation.

"I know, but he obviously thinks your pretty." She signed back.

I didn't know how I felt having a boy think I was pretty. I was so used to being insulted at the orphanage that it was hard to accept that people thought I looked good.

I was relieved when we left Nandos and was able to think about other things.

At 6:12 pm I walked into the flat and changed into a t shirt, then went to find Dan or Phil. Phil was on the computer in the lounge, and Dan was making brownies in the kitchen.

"How was it?" Phil asked, turning to face me.
"Fun!" I replied.

"That's nice!" Dan said as he walked into the lounge, "I'm glad to see you back in your t-shirt though."

"It's good to be back." I said.

I went into my room and fell asleep quickly, exhausted from the long day of walking.


SHORT CHAPTER, I know, but I needed to lighten the mood a bit and show some of the happy events in Clara's life.
Keep voting and commenting!

~ Isabel 💜

Adopted by Dan and Phil (editing in process)Where stories live. Discover now