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"You alright, Man?" I asked as I came to stand beside Teddy. He was staring into the mirror, fidgeting with anything and everything he could get his hands on. This must have been the fifth time he'd retied his tie, let alone smoothed out his tux.

"I think I'm just a little nervous," he admitted as he turned to look at me. His brow rose. "You clean up nice, my friend."

"I know. Surprising, right?" I looked down at myself, before turning back to the groom. I straightened the fabric on his shoulders, though I didn't need to, and looked into my friend's eyes. "You love her, right?"

"Of course," he responded. "She's my mate."

I nodded. "And how do you feel when you're around her?" He gave me a skeptical look. I rolled my eyes and clarified. "You don't have to tell me, just let that feeling consume you."

He was silent for a moment as he turned back to the mirror. "When she's with me, it's like nothing I've ever felt before. It's like, all my life, part of my soul has been missing, only, I never realized it until I met her... until she filled that emptiness inside me. She makes me feel complete. When we're apart, my soul yearns to be near her again, an uncontrollable instinct to be with her, to keep her safe, and to love her. She makes me feel alive." Teddy's eyes had transformed from a deep brown to a glowing yellow as he spoke about his mate, a sign that his inner wolf had come to guide him. That passionate speech had ignited some confidence within him.

I smiled at my friend. "Keep that feeling close, and you'll know there is nothing you need to be nervous about. The Goddess chose you to be together for a reason, so don't doubt it for a second," I sighed. "Now, are you ready?"

He breathed as he did one last sweep of himself in the mirror before looking to me. "Yes."


The ceremony was held outside, the beauty of nature serving to bring us all together. The stars twinkled in the cloudless sky and the silver light of the waning moon cut through the darkness of the night. A warm breeze tickled my cheeks, bringing fresh scents to my nose. It was a good night for a wedding.

As Teddy, the Alpha, and I stood waiting on the makeshift altar, I took a few moments to admire the decorations. Soft, white lights twinkled in the nearby trees, much like the stars in the sky, and bundles of wildflowers were placed in the appropriate places, accenting the beauty of this clearing.

The light of the moon glinted off the dagger in my hands, and I turned it over, inspecting the weapon. It was made of silver, the only metal that forces us to heal naturally, and ornate jewels decorated the hilt. As I stared down at the dagger, I couldn't suppress the one thought running rampant through my mind; weddings are weird.

A sudden howl pierced the air and every head turned to see the bride. More howls joined into an eerie song as she took slow steps towards her mate. Her eyes, much like his, had turned yellow in anticipation.

She wore a simple white dress. It cut off near her knee in the front and tapered down in the back. Her rich chocolate brown hair hung down her back in large curls, and a flower crown sat just above her brow. I could hear Teddy's breath hitch as their eyes met.

The second her bare foot hit the altar, the howls stopped, everyone watching in anticipation. Isabella quickly stepped up behind Gwen, mirroring my own position to Teddy. I small dagger also resided in her hand.

The Alpha's voice boomed loud and clear as he stepped up between the bride and groom.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began. "We have gathered here, on this night, under the watchful eye of the Goddess herself, to celebrate a love so eternal, that it will join these two souls in both life and in death. Even in a world full of people, your wolves have led you to the only one you can truly love and cherish, and for that, we congratulate you," there was a series of howls and applause from the audience. "So let us not waste any more time in joining together this man and this woman in glorious matrimony!"

The Alpha took a step back as the crowd applauded again. He returned with a golden goblet in his hands.

"And now, the Blood Oath!"

That was my cue. I passed up the blade and Teddy accepted it quickly. He held it gingerly in his hands as he spoke his oath.

"I, Theodore Kane, pledge myself to you. To an eternal love that will withstand the tests of time. I sacrifice a part of myself so that we may be joined together as one."

With that, he used the dagger to draw a line across the palm of his right hand. He let crimson liquid pool in his hand for a moment before holding it above the goblet. He turned his hand to the side and squeezed his fist so the blood would drip into the goblet. He then slipped the blade back to me and turned to his mate.

She now held the other dagger, "I, Guinevere Laurent, pledge myself to you. To an eternal love that will withstand the tests of time. I sacrifice a part of myself so that we may be joined together as one."

We watched as her right hand pooled with blood. Like Teddy, she let the liquid fall into the goblet. The Alpha swirled the blood around a bit before holding it in between the pair. Both reached out their bloody right hands and held the goblet between them. The Alpha backed away again.

"To strengthen our bond, to make you forever a part of me," Teddy said as he took a sip from the goblet of mixed blood. Gwen smiled as their hands went back to the middle.

"To strengthen our bond, to make you forever a part of me," now she brought the goblet to her lips before returning it to the Alpha.

Isabella and I stepped forward and covered their wounds with a strip of fabric. I winked at Teddy before returning to my place. They joined hands and smiled.

The Alpha cleared his throat again, "By the will of the Goddess, I pronounce you as one," he turned to Teddy with a coy look in his eye, "Congratulations Theo, you may kiss your wife."

He looked like a little kid again as he turned excitedly to his mate. Using his good hand, he pulled her to him. With a hand on her neck, he kissed her hungrily, like he'd been starving for years and she was his favorite meal. Though in a way, it was true.

His uncontrollable grin made him pull away, though he kept his forehead on hers as they stared longingly into each other's eyes, oblivious to the howls and catcalls surrounding them. Teddy let out a little laugh before kissing his wife senseless.

"Ladies and gentlemen," called the Alpha, "I give you Mr. and Mrs. Kane!"

There were more cheers from the audience and I stuck my fingers in my mouth to let out a loud whistle before joining in the applause.

Even on this happy occasion, it was getting harder and harder for me to ignore the call of the moon. So, when the newly wedded couple disappeared into the crowd, I made my escape, wanting to get deep into the forest before others were forced to slip away too.

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