A ghost story - Halloween

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Chapter 1

The rain hammered onto the coach and the lightning struck loud and clear. Eden stared from the window at the dark sky and signed. The weather was terrible here. The team had travelled to Romania for their champions league tie against steaua bucharest. Juan Mata was asleep next to him. They had almost arrived at the hotel.

"Hey, Juan, wake up, we're nearly there."

"Huh what?" asked Juan, opening his eyes looking dazed.

"I said, we're nearly there so wake up!" laughed Eden. Juan looked really funny.

"Okay." He yawned.

The driver parked the coach and the team got out. It was a cold night and the rain was showing no signs of stopping. Eden couldn't wait until they were inside.  The hotel wasn't excellent, if anything, it looked dark and uninviting but it would do. Once they were inside, the people kindly gave them their room numbers and took their belongings for them. Eden was to share a room with Juan and Oscar. He waved goodnight to the rest of his team mates and went to his room with Juan and Oscar. Eden quickly jumped onto the nicest and comfortable looking bed.

"Sorry guys, this ones mine!" he said cheekily.

"Hey thats not fair!" protested Oscar not realising Juan took the second best bed.

"You can take that one," said Eden pointing at the smallest bed.

"Oh," moaned Oscar.

Once they had sorted their things out, ate some food and got changed, they got ready to sleep.

"Goodnight guys, don't bother me with your snoring!" joked Eden.

"I don't snore," mumbled Oscar.

"Is the babyface sad?" teased Eden. And when Oscar did not reply, Eden looked up worried he was actually upset but Oscar pulled a funny face at him and all three of them laughed.

That night Eden didn't sleep well. He had nightmares but when he woke up, he could only vaguely remember it had been about a little boy. Eden was chasing him and could not see him clearly through the storm but the boy was running away. He got up, showered, dressed and went to breakfast. The rest of the team was already there.

"Hmm.. you look like you didn't sleep! I mean you have dark hoops, whats wrong? Was that bed not nice enough after all?" grinned Oscar.

"Haha." said Eden.

"No, seriously Eden, its alright, I didn't sleep well either. Its the weather. So bad." said Fernando Torres kindly and smiled at Eden.

Eden smiled back weakly. He didn't feel like eating but he had some toast, fruit and water. He would need his strength for the training session. And of course, the match was tomorrow.

After the training session, the team went out to explore the city. The weather was much calmer now. But Eden didn't go with them, he was too  tired and he just wanted to relax in his room. He looked outside his room window, the view was quite nice but different to what he was used to seeing, there were some old buildings, dark, narrow streets, woods and forests. The city had a gothic

look to it. He also noticed an abandoned lake in the woods close to the hotel. There was a newly built gate around it as though the lake was dangerous. It most certainly was strange. The water was black and the plants around it were crooked. And suddenly Eden sensed movement. Someone was in the woods. He scanned the area carefully and he saw a young boy running through the woods. Eden felt shocked because this was similar to his dream but then he shook his head. He thought to himself it was just coincedence and the boy was probably playing in the woods. Without a second thought he went to his bed and drifted off to sleep.

A ghost story - HalloweenWhere stories live. Discover now