chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"HELLOOOOOOOO!" yelled Juan in Edens ear.

"Aaaaaaargh!" screamed Eden and jumped up. "Juan! What are you doing?!"

"You weren't waking up, you gave me no choice."

"When did you lot come back?" asked Eden rubbing his eyes.

"A few hours ago. I thought you might like to come to dinner." Juan told him.

"Yes, okay."

Eden got changed as Juan waited outside the room. He couldn't resist taking a look outside the window. He felt himself shiver as he saw the boy again. He was standing close to the lake and

was staring at it.

"Juan, come here." called Eden.

"What is it?"

"Look theres this boy, I just feel sorry for him, I think he might be homeless. I mean where are his parents?" said Eden looking concerned.

"Let me see." Juan peered out of the window. When he saw the boy, he looked up right at them. Juan gasped and stepped back.

"What.. whats wrong?!" questioned Eden.

"This is impossible." Juan exclaimed, looking afraid. "Eden, I was in a cafe earlier and I picked up a newspaper with English translation and it had a picture of him. This boy!"


"It said in the newspaper he's dead! He drowned in a lake."

"What? Thats crazy! It can't be this boy, look we just saw him, how can that be? Maybe he just looks like the other boy. And besides, he is quite far from us. Its a mistake, trust me." explained Eden.

Juan looked so afraid but he nodded. "Yeah, you're right. I think I made a mistake."

When they looked outside the window again, the boy was gone.

They went to dinner and sat with Fernando, Oscar and David Luiz.

"Whats up Juan? You look pale." said Fernando, his light brown eyes filled with worry. He was best friends with Juan Mata and always noticed when something was wrong with him.

For a moment Juan hesitated but then he said, "Everythings fine."

Eden forced himself to eat potato, waffles and beans. He did not feel like it but he didn't want anyone asking questions. Luckily Oscar was going on about what he bought from the shops and everyone was paying attention to him. Everybody liked Oscar. He was bright, funny and had such a cute face. It was impossible not to like him. And of course, he was a fantastic player. Eden enjoyed playing alongside him and Juan.

Eden finished quickly and excused himself to take a walk. Juan and Fernando decided to go with him. They walked past an old cleaner who had a sad face and was struggling to clean the floor. Fernando gave him a friendly smile as they left the hotel. They walked along a pathway and Fernando asked Eden why Juan was so quiet. Eden didn't like to lie to someone as wonderful as Fernando so he told him,

"Juan read in a newspaper a story about a boy drowning in a lake."

"Ah.. I see. Thats really sad. I wish someone could've helped him!" replied Fernando.

"Apparently there was no one there. And the boy was found a few days later." said Juan unhappily.

"Life is not fair."

While they were walking, an idea came to Eden. "Hey, I just want to check something. I'll see you two later at the hotel!" he said as he hurried off.

"Um okay.. see you Eden!" called Juan, confused.

Eden crossed some streets and made his way towards the woods. He looked around and saw no one. He entered the woods and a chill crept over him. He saw the lake and went towards it, making sure he didn't go too near. It had such a horrible and evil look to it.

"Why are you here?" demanded a high-pitched voice.

Eden spun round, stunned. "I was just.. I wanted to.. I mean I saw you earlier by this lake."

The boy stared hard at him. He was pale and had dark rings around his eyes. He was quite small and very skinny like he hadn't eaten for days. Eden felt so sorry for him. He finally spoke,

"Yes, I come here often."

"Why? This lake is supposed to be dangerous. Have you heard about the boy who drowned here?" Eden said.

The boy smiled which made Eden uncomfortable.

Eden continued, "I don't think its a good idea for a kid to come to this place. Like I said about the boy drowning.."

"I know." said the boy looking crestfallen.

"Hey its okay. Just play in a safe place, not here."

"I don't come here to play." The boy scowled. And then he added, "I drowned here."

"What? What the hell are you saying?!" asked Eden suddenly afraid.

"The boy who drowned in this lake... it was me."

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