chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It was matchday. Eden knew he had to help the boy before the game because after that the game, he wouldn't have a chance. They would have interviews, meet fans, eat and have to go to sleep and get up early in the morning to go back to England. After the training session, Eden tried to find the man. It was easy. He was cleaning the hotels lobby.

"Excuse me." said Eden. The man didn't reply and Eden wasn't sure if he ignored him or didn't hear him. Eden tried again, a bit louder. "Excuse me."

"Sorry I'm busy." The man said quietly.

"I just need to talk to you for 5 minutes. Please listen to me. Its important."

"Okay but not here." He looked at Eden fearfully as though he knew what Eden wanted to talk about.

"Lets go outside." insisted Eden.

They walked along the rocky pavement and Eden listened as the man told him about his life. His name was Michael. He had no wife or kids or any family. He lived in a small

village close to the woods. People often avoided him and he never knew why.

Eden then explained to Michael about the boy. Michael was too afraid to go back to the woods.

"You have to! That poor boy suffered because you didn't help him. Why didn't you? How could you be so cruel?" demanded Eden. He was angry at this man and he wouldn't hide it.

What he did was wrong and unforgivable.

"Thats what it may have looked like but I swear I did not want that to happen." Michael weeped.

"What do you mean?" asked Eden.

"I heard his shout. I wanted to help him, thats why I went there but I thought it was too late and I didn't know what to do.

I know I'm a coward. Now that I think about it, I should've jumped in the lake myself to help him out. But I don't even know how to swim and we've been warned for years

to stay away from that lake. I was so afraid. And I couldn't tell anyone about it or they would think I killed him. They would never believe me."

Eden was silent for a moment. Then he said. "I think you should talk to Ron. Explain to him what happened. Apologise even. Maybe then he can rest in peace. I don't believe that you're a bad person and I'm sure Ron won't hurt you."

The old man nodded but could not say any words. He would go back to the awful woods.

They decided to meet after a while to go to the woods. Michael had to finish his work first and Eden had to attend a press conference with Jose. After the conference was over, Eden made his way back to the hotel and ate with his team mates. He noticed Michael looking at him and realised it was time to go.

"Alright guys. I'll see you in a bit. I just want to take a walk to clear my mind and think about what skills I'm going to show off today!" said Eden.

"Haha okay. Don't be late though. We have to leave for the match soon." David Luiz reminded him.

Eden watched Michael go outside and started making his way out. Someone said behind him, "Hey! Can I come with you?"

It was Oscar. "Oh no." thought Eden.

"Let me just get my hoodie!"

"No wait Oscar. Um you can't come with me." said Eden lamely.

"Oh.. why not?" asked Oscar, his smile faded.

Eden was extremely fast at sorting things out and this was something he felt both happy and guilty about.

"Because I'm going to buy you a present and if you came with me, it'll ruin the surprise!"

"Seriously?! Wow thanks Eden!! Okay I won't come. Oooh I love presents!" Oscar was buzzing with excitement like a child on Christmas day.

Eden said goodbye and left the building. Great, now he'd have to find a present for Oscar as well!

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