Chapter 8

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"Aaaaaaand here it is!"
Abby says, gesturing proudly to the open door.
The bell rings, a loud vibrato kind of ring.
"Crap, I'm going to be late. I have to go. See ya later."
"Yes, thank you!" I say as Abby
waves, disappearing into a sea of high schoolers.
I enter the room and sit down in the back, hoping to draw no attention.
Other students crowd into the room and fill the seats.
The bell rings again and the teacher, kindly looking woman in her early sixties with frizzy gray hair stands up from her desk.
"Alright, good afternoon everyone. I hope you all had a good weekend. We're going to be starting a project today but first, I see we have a new student."
She gestures for me to stand up, at which I internally scream. Already, I am tired of introductions.
"Your name and where you're visiting us from."
The teacher instructs.
"My name is Talia. But I-"
I'm cut off when a boy enters the room carrying his backpack and a handful of papers.
The teacher looks at him.
"Mr. Coulson, late again."
The teacher says, as he takes the only empty seat: next to me.
"Sorry, Mrs. A. Won't happen again."
"Yes please, Mr. Coulson. Right, Ms. Martinez, please continue."
"I'm from Brazil." I say stiffly.
There's a distinct murmur among the students when I say this.
"Brazil, wow. What do you like best about it?"
I think for a second.
We had scholars who surfaced close to Brazil but I hadn't read about their adventures yet.
"I like living on the coast with my family. Being close to the ocean."
Mrs. A nods. I sit back down.
"How interesting. Thank you Talia. Alright, class, we're going to be starting on a new project....."
After several minutes of Mrs. A explaining our project which turned out to simply be that we have to write a story about whatever we wanted, she brought out strange contraptions called laptops.
I looked around and noticed people opened them.
I opened mine and tapped a button or two.
"Hey." I whirl.
The boy next to me, Coulson or something is looking at me.
"Hi. Do you know how to work this?"
He looks shocked.
"You don't know how to use a laptop?"
"Where I come from, we don't have them."
He laughs, a sound that reminds me of crashing waves.
He presses a button and the screen lights up with a picture of some round item.
"You use the mouse pad to move the mouse, which is that white thing there. And when you find something you need to open or like or whatever, click on it with this button. You don't really use this other button for anything."
"Umm, ok."
"To open a document and start writing, click this and when you're done, click the upper right hand button to save what you've written."
"Thanks. You're very adept at this."
He laughs again.
"It's just easy to remember. I'm Jake by the way."
Recognition surges through me.
He was part of Drew's gang this morning. He wasn't wearing the bright blue jacket which was why I didn't recognize him immediately.
Jason's warning flashes into my brain too but I shove it aside. Jake was so nice. I couldn't imagine him as dangerous.
"Nice to meet you Jake."
"Yeah. Talia, right?"
"Yes, but I prefer Tali."
"Ok. Tali, I like it. Your name is really pretty."
I find myself blushing.
Dammit. Why me?!?
"Thanks. It was my mother's first-"
The last memory I have of my mother is standing by her bed, watching her eyes close forever.
A lump in my throat prevents me from going on.
"Choice." I finish, barely holding back the tears.
Jake's eyes are full of sympathy.
"Your mom died?"
"Several years ago."
Why am I telling him this? It has been years since I lost my mother and I should be past the pain.
Just breathe, girl. Push it away.
I smile and push the emotions down.
"I'm sorry."
"There's no need, but thank you."
"Anyways, just tap me on the shoulder if you need me."
As I look at Jake, I'm overcome with a strange emotion. His curly blonde hair is combed neatly, but there are still a few stray strands falling over his forehead and eyes. A clean jawline and perfect pink lips compliment his facial structure.
Suddenly I realize I've been staring at him and I look down, my cheeks flaming in embarrassment.
Jake looks at me and smiles, a bright white teeth filled smile that only makes me blush more.
"Hey, I was wondering.....umm...if you wanted to go see a movie tomorrow night?"
I blink.
"What's a movie?"
"Wow, where did you live in Brazil?"
I giggle.
It feels good to relax.
And feel carefree.
I like it.
"Yeah, sure."
"It's a date! I'll pick you up at 7. Where you staying?"
"With Jason."
Jake frowns.
"You're staying with Jason Baxter."
"Yes, he's been very kind."
Jake looks at me, and his eyes are dark, swirling with a mixture of protectiveness and anger.
I blink, unsure of what I've seen.
Faint alarm bells go off in my mind but I force them to quiet.
Then suddenly it goes away, and he smiles again.
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Ok." The bell rings.
I don't bother to save my document as I had nothing written and turn off the laptop.
I stop at the teachers desk.
"Mrs. A?" I ask.
"Yes, dear."
"You want to know where the math class is. That correct?"
"Yes. How did you–?"
"I know a lot of things." She says casually, waving a hand nonchalantly.
"It's the first room down the hall. Just exit here, turn left and it'll be on the same side as this classroom."
"Ok, thank you."
I'm about to leave when Mrs. A calls my name.
"I have a question for you. Come here."
As soon as I'm within arms reach, she grabs my wrist and pulls me close, staring me in the eyes.
I struggle and am about to call for help, when a voice speaks in my brain.
"Don't fight it. You're stronger than you know."
I stop struggling and give Mrs. A the strongest, most unafraid look I can muster.
I meet her eyes and she meets mine. Suddenly, she smiles and les go of me.
"I knew it. Only a princess can handle that look."
Goosebumps go up and down my arms.
"I don't know what you mean."
"What are you? Eh? Water spirit? Nymph? Or maybe an air spirit?"
I stare at her, dumbfounded.
My mouth moves but no sound comes out.
"I have been here for a long time and I've seen all kinds of creatures come in and out of my door. I knew when you came in that you were different. You're new to land culture, I can see that. So I gave you a test. No one has ever mentioned living on the coast. They always mention the forests, or the rivers but they never mention the fact that South America is surrounded by oceans. When you said that, I knew you had to be something else. So what is it?"
She picks up one of her books, never breaking her gaze on me.
"Ah! I've got it. Mermaid, isn't that right?"
I wince as she says the word, making my answer clear to her.
"Ah ha! I knew it. So what is your real name, dear?"
I regard her, warily. Then I lift my chin up, in the most royal manner I can.
"My name is Princess Talia of Sirene."
"Sirene." Mrs. A breathes.
When she looks at me, her eyes are filled with tears.
I take a step forward, unsure whether I should comfort her or not.
"It's been years. How did you find your way here?"
The painful memory of hitting my head on something makes me cringe.
"So you're stuck here?"
"Yes. Although I've made friends."
"Yes, I can see that."
She hands me a slip of paper with numbers on it.
"If you ever need anything, give me a call. I used to be a mermaid too. I left when I was about your age. Fell in love."
She sighs, lost in pleasant memories.
"Thank you. I very much appreciate it."
"No problem, dear. You better hurry if you're to make you're next class."
I thank her again and exit swiftly, following her directions.
Thoughts tug at my mind, my father, my sister, all those warnings to stay away from Jason. And Mrs. A's offer.
What the fuck did I get myself into?


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Your Friend,

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