Chapter 27

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Knock Knock.
"Come in." I say.
The door creaks.
I jump.
"Derek. You startled me. What's up?"
"I need to talk to you."
"Ok, what's going on?"
"It's about your father."
I freeze in place.
In an attempt to cover up my surprise, I plaster a fake smile on my face and shrug off any emotion.
"What is there that needs discussing?"
"'re father sent me here to protect you. When he figured out where you were, he entrusted your care to me. With an added condition."
"What condition?" I demand. I can feel the panic rising inside me, but Derek's hesitance to admit his thoughts
The tension in the room is so heavy, it practically chokes the breath out of me.
And then everything's silent.
Derek looks so angry at himself, it's almost hard to bear.
"I'm sorry, Tali. I couldn't refuse your father. You know how he can be. I just.........wanted you safe."
"I know." My voice is nothing but a hoarse whisper.
Suddenly, my eyes feel watery, like the ocean spilling its contents but I cannot figure why.
"I'm so sorry, Tali. I know how you feel about attachments. Your father wants someone special for you. And I know that can't be me. I already tried that once, remember? And now, I'm getting what I originally wanted but I feel terrible about it."
"Stop that." I take his hands in mine, ignoring his shock.
"You are an amazing person. I know we didn't start out as friends but since that time, you have proven yourself more than worthy. You are courageous, and a wonderful friend. I couldn't ask for a better protector."
"I know.....maybe. But I can't help but think of how awful I was to you. And it only took you to go missing, for me to completely turn around."
"You are not like that anymore. You are amazing, and a kind person, and–"
"Do you love me?"
He cuts me off, his silvery gaze direct and stern.
"What?" I must sound very flustered because he repeats himself."
"Do me?"
"What kind of question is that?"
"Tali. Please just tell me. Do you?"
But I'm so flabbergasted at his sudden question, that I am speechless.
I meet his eyes.
"I don't know what to say, I can't–"
He shuts me up with a kiss.
His lips are warm and he smells like the beach on a summer's night.
And at first everything is fine.
And then I know.
Derek is wonderful and by far, the most amazing merman I have ever met, but my heart knows it's not him.
I never thought it would come down this.
When my mother died, I swore to myself that I would never love.
Sure, I love Lila and Zera. But that's different.
Not familial love.
An actual romantic, emotional attachment.
I swore to myself I would never, ever fall in love. With anyone.
That would make me happier.
That way, I could perform my queenly duties without any loose ends.
That was my future.
Be a queen.
And I was fine with that.
But somehow what I have done is go and break that promise to myself. To my mother.
I have fallen in love.
And I know in my heart that it is not with Derek.
Derek is an excellent kisser, and he will be lucky to, one day, find someone perfect for him but that's beside the point.
The point is that I don't love him.
He breaks away first, our lips inches from each other.
His eyes are searching and he seems to have found his answer.
I open my moth but nothing comes out.
"It's ok. I know."
He takes a step back away from me, his expression just a little broken. Despite my honest answer, I can still feel my heart breaking a little bit.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be. You're being honest with yourself. And he deserves you more than I."
"That's not true."
I approach him and reach up, as high as I can, and embrace him in a tight hug. And to prevent him from leaving before I have finished, I take his face in my hands and stare straight into his storm grey eyes.
"You will always be my friend. My best friend. Whoever you find one day will be lucky to have an amazing guy like you."
"Thanks, Tali."
"You are welcome, Derek."
"Hey, Tali! Derek, come here!"
Lily's voice calls from her bedroom.
"Coming! Shall we?" I hold out my hand.
"We shall, m'lady." He takes it and we walk into Lily's room.
"What's going on?"
"Say hi!" She aims her phone at me.
Then she flips it around so I can see the screen.
"Abby! Hey!" I say, seeing her recognizable honey brown eyes on the small screen.
"Hey! So I went shopping with my mom today for a prom dress."
"Oh my gosh! I completely forgot. It's tonight!" Time had gotten away from me...
"Wanna see my dress?" Abby asks.
"Yes!!" Lila and me say at the same time.
She stands up and backs up away from the camera. She's in a beautiful green gown that accentuates her hair and eyes perfectly. The skirt falls down to the floor and the top is cinched green fabric with a beaded high illusion neckline. She looks absolutely beautiful.
"Abby.....I have no words. You look like a princess. And I would know. That dress is perfect on you!" Abby blushes and picks up the camera. "I'll talk to you guys, later! See ya!" She waves and hangs up.
"Do I have to go to this 'prom'?" Derek whines.
"Yes!" Again, Lily and I in sync.
He groans, and Lily giggles.
"Go see if Jason has a tux you can borrow."
Derek nods reluctantly and heads downstairs to talk to Jason.
A second later, Lily's eyes light up and she shoos me off the bed.
"That reminds me! Tali, can you open my closet for me?"
Lila tries to stand up but she's still weak from her time at the hospital so I open it for her.
"All the way to the right. No, other side. Yes, that's it!"
Following her directions, I pick out a black hanger and pull it out of the closet. I gasp at what comes with it.
It's a beautiful blue dress with a sweetheart neckline. The top is tinged a sky blue that slowly fades down the dress to white.
It reminds me of sea foam.
"Wow. Lila. It's beautiful."
I hand it to her and she sets it on the bed, gently.
"Is it? That's good to know because I want you to wear it."
"Wait, what? Lila? I can't possibly accept this, you're too generous."
"No, really. I think you should wear it. You have nothing to wear. And I'm not going. I'm still not feeling one hundred percent, so it's just going to sit in that closet. Put it to good use. I think you'll look beautiful in it."
Her kindness is so genuine, it's almost painful to accept.
"Thank you, Lila. You have no idea how much I appreciate this."
"No problem." She shrugs.
"I've never had a little sister before, but you, Tali, come pretty close."
"Well, thank you. I've never had a big sister before but you come pretty close as well."
She smiles. I crush her in a hug.
She returns it and when I lean away, my eyes fall again on the beautiful dress.
Lily reaches over and grabs a small brush from her nigh stand.
"Mother makeup is in the house!" She proclaims proudly and points the brush at me.
"Would you like to be pretty, darling?"
Laughing hysterically, I can't reply as she joins in laughing too.
"Mother makeup?" I question, through laugh tears.
"Don't question the insanity." She replies and we both burst out laughing again.
"Ok. Come on, you only have about three hours. We have to get you ready."
"It takes three hours?" I ask, helping her out of bed.
"Yes! Now, come on!"


So, what did you think?
Please be sure to vote for this chapter, maybe add it to your library or fave reading list and feel free to leave any and all comments in the comment section! Also, it would really help me out if you shared this with all of your friends! I'm sorry it's taken me forever to update, I've been extremely busy with school and whatnot. I hope to update a little more regularly after this week. Enjoy!

Your friend,

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