Chapter 34!

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Eww gross. I hate classes. I walk into Mr.Fabrizio's room and see a new seating chart on the board. Oh joy. Just when me and Marissa sit together we get moved. Gross.

I search for my name on the chart and finally find it.

"YES MARISSA LYDIA LIAM WE ARE ALL TOGETHER. YAYAYAYAY..." I scream. We are in the middle of the room and I sit next to Marissa, and in front of Liam. Lydia sits behind Marissa.

"Yeshh!" Marissa says coming in the room, obviously hearing my scream.

"Halujah!" Liam says ploping in his seat.

"Eeeeeh!" Lydia screechs and sits.

Mr.Fabrizio claps his hands and starts talking with his loud voice.

"Mrs.Whiles is coming in to talk to you. Bye people." He says and walks out.

Mrs.Whiles is our counsiler. Really nice lady. She comes in and sits down.

"Okay girls and boys, I need the girls to stay in here, and the boys to go in Mr.Hayes room." She says smiling. What is this sixth grade? Is this like a puberty thing...?

"Okay we are talking about bullying today." She says.

Okay zoning out now. We don't have a bullying problem at our school. Woah I sound like Regina Gorge off Mean Girls...what?

I get a piece of paper out and write;

This is boooorrrriiiinnnng.

Then I pass it to Marissa.

Ik omg AWFUL.

"Girls put it up." Mrs.Whiles says angerily. Well who crapped in your cheerios?

Woah when did Eleawhore get in here? Geeez. She is so snobby gosh. People get on my nerves grosss.


We are in Mr.Boyles room now and geez every body is in a crappy mood. Boyle is being brutal. Me and Marissa are talking about how we hate everything. This has been a horrible day. TERRIBLE.

Were walking to lunch...

"I hate you... ooo I really don't like you!" Marissa says angerly.

"Louis I love you!" Harry says laughing.


"Gosh..." Harry says all getto.

Then Louis hugs me and we sit down in the cafe.

"I WANT BAXTERS." I say eagerly running to the counter.

"White Rasberry! White Rasberry!" I say to the lady and she gives me an odd glare. BRUTAL PERSON GROSS.

I pay for it and go back to our table and besides Louis, Marissa, Harry, and Hannah, Alexis has this free with us. So she is sitting with us.

"GIMME." Lexi says and basically jacks my coffee.

"Awh hell nah'" I say and get my coffee back.

"Did you all hear about the field trip?" Harry says laughing.

"Nope." I say popping the p.

"We are staying Friday night in a hotel and going to a state park thing." Hannah says excited.

"The list of your roomates are in the hall." Harry says.

I get up and run to the list. I wanna know!!!

Kasey Crockett, Marissa Vaught, and Eleanor Calder in room 231.

Oh shit....

Boarding school in Doncaster || l.t.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang