minicat | 1

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"hey tyler, it's me craig and right now i'm boarding my flight and i'd be great to talk to you soon when i get off . "

tyler replayed the voicemail over and over with tears streaming down his face . he shook his head, bringing his knees up to his chest . it's been three months since he's been doing this .

he lost himself each and everyday ever since that day, that demonic day where a devilish terrorist act took the one and only person who truly accepted him .

craig had his life flash before his eyes when suddenly there was a drop in his stomach and the plane was curving in directions he knew weren't normal .

nothing could explain any of this until there was rough landing towards a building .

the breath was taken away from him as there was flames all throughout the plane . he shifted upward with his dizzy vision to only yelp out in pain .

looking down he finds himself having his leg stuck completely under the seat in front of him . tears spilled out of his eyes as he quickly gets out his phone while the fire is slowly spreading .

"hi tyler, it's craig again and i know your pretty busy, but i fucking love you to death and i hope you can move on from this, alright i'll always be there for you no matter what-"

craig was cut off by the fire reaching his leg sending burning vibrations throughout his body followed by the screams of pain .

tyler cut off the voicemail; standing up with pure dread in each and every step he took .

"craig i fucking love you too " he states looking up at the ceiling .

- happy kid

one shots || bbs Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang