A Night's Talk

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As it was night around Beacon, Students around started to go asleep and some started to talk before going to sleep.

"Jaune. You don't have to talk about that sword all day." Craig said as he chuckled while laying on his back and looking up at the ceiling with a sigh. Jaune chuckled as he sighed and then stood up. "Well, I'm kinda thirsty. I'll be back." He started to walk off as then Ruby and the others looked at him and he did a little manly pose for them as Craig watched and just shook his head with a smile. "That boy got alot to go. But I shouldn't talk that much." He laid back and then saw Ruby, who looked back him and waved.

"Come on Ruby, we have to make some friends for you. Let's talk to that girl!" Yang pulled Ruby by her arm and pulled her to a girl wearing black pajamas and reading a book with a candle beside her.
"Hello." The girl in all black said as then she went back to her book. Yang looked at Ruby and then nudged her shoulder. "This girl is kinda of a-"
"What kind of book is that?" Rubi asked with a small smile.
"Oh. It's just about these hunters that try to make the world a better place and there's a villain who's trying to end them. Thing is, the villain has problems of his own. But like all stories, I think this one has a happy ending. If only our world was like that. A big happy ending." The girl said before Ruby smiled more.
"Well that's were here for. To make that happy ending come true to everyone." She then gave out her hand and smiled. "I'm Ruby. Nice to meet you.
"Blake. Nice to meet you too." She shook it and then went back to her book. "Looks like the sharp ice is coming." Weiss started to come with her arms crossed while looking at Ruby.

"Good luck to her." Craig said as he then laid back on his small sleeping bad while looking up at the ceiling again.

"So I was thinking," Jaune came into his sight of view as then he jumped up and sat up. "Partners are coming that I heard. So who would you like to be with?" He asked as Craig looked at him and sighed. "You scared me for one. And I don't know about that. Maybe someone good can be my team. But we just have to wait it out. Huh?" He said. "I'm tired. My team thinking ideas aren't coming so fast when I'm tired." "Well then... I guess a night's sleep wouldn't be bad. You know, I mean that you sh-"
"Shhhh. Jaune. Just lay down and sleep. Everyone else is already sleep. Even the girls." Craig said as he chuckled and then closed his eyes as Jaune did too.

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