Chp 2 : Asking Questions

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Dipper's POV

'I hope Grunckle Stan will let Catherine to stay at the Shack.' I thought, feeling a bit anxious. I followed the girls to the car and carried my backpack along with Catherine's duffle and Mabel's suitcase.

"Grunckle Stan, can we let this girl stay with us at the Shack? Her name's Catherine and she is currently homeless an--"

"Wait, I am not that kind of homeless Mabel. I just need to find a place to stay for the summer." Catherine corrected.

"Oops, sorry. Anyways, can you please let her stay??" Mabel pleaded.

"Ok ok just make sure she doesn't break anything at the shop and all that jazz." Stan said as he took all of our stuff into the trunk.

Inside the car. Currently driving to the Shack.......

"So Catherine, what are your hobbies?"

Well let's just say I am curious....

"Hmmm, watch cartoons and anime, draw, write, solve some sudoku, watch some random videos, and read some novels." She said while counting with her fingers. My face brightened up a bit.

"You like reading novels? It's kind of a rare thing for girls to do." I looked at Mabel. Then she pouted and gave me a face that says 'Jeez! Sorry for not reading novels.'

"Yes I do. Sometimes I read at an app called DattPad. But I thought I might not find a signal at this place, so I brought some of my books that I haven't read yet. Do you want to read with me some time?" She smiled.

"Really? Of course! Oops hehe, d-didn't mean to umm y-yell."

'Wow, smooth Dipper, real smooth...' I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Catherine, whats your favorite color? When is your birthday? Where do you live and how old are you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Mabel asked.

"Blue, April 8, Chicago, and 15. And-- Wait, what kind of question is that?!" Her face blushed and so did mine.

"I-I-I uhh.." Catherine stuttered.

"I hope she doesn't.." I mumbled.

"Oh shi--" I covered my mouth.

"GAH! Dipper~ What did you say?~" Mabel smirked. Then the car shook.

"Mabel, don't scream like that! I can't drive properly with you screaming!" Grunckle Stan scolded her and she quietly sat down.

Catherine's POV

"Dipper, is she going to be alright?" I asked, worried about Mabel.

"Yeah, in---"

"And there it is, told ya." He smirked at me. I sighed.

"Mabel let's give it a rest for a bit. I'm still tired and I wanna sleep some more." I told the twins.

"Didn't you already slept for like 3-4 hours in the bus? Are you sick or somethin'?" Dipper told me worringly. "N-No." I whispered. He placed his hand on my shoulder, turned me to face him and placed his foregead on mine.


You know what'll happen next :)
Hope you like it!!
PPG here sayin seeya!

I'm Glad I Fell in Love With U Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora