Chp 3 : Kitty!

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Edited :)

Catherine POV


"What the heck Mabel? You brought your camera? I told you not to bring it this summer!" Dipper yelled, blushing really hard.

"Why not? I thought I'll find great memories to put in my scrapbook, it seems I'll put this picture in Dipstick's summer romance page on my scrapbook~" Mabel sang as she waved the picture in front of our blushing faces.

"Mabel, d-did you seriously have to take a picture of us?" I mumbled loudly, looking at my feet.

"Yeah, because you two LOOK SOO CUTE TOGETHER!"

"Dang it Mabel, GIVE IT TO ME!!" Dipper yelled as he tries to take the photo from Mabel's hand.

I kinda like this scene, being with your family....

"Hey Catherine, you okay?" Dipper asked and then he suddenly leaned his forehead on mine, again. I blushed beet red.

"Umm D-Dipper?" I muttered.

"O-oh, umm sorry hehehe..." He pulled away and awkwardly scratched the back of his head.


"Oh seriously Mabel? Isn't one photo enough?"

"Never!" Mabel exclaimed. I smiled but it faded. I suddenly felt dizzy.

"If you don't mind, I'll just nap for a bit 'kay?" I said as I leaned on the door and then drifted off to sleep.....

Mabel's POV

"Dipper, I think she's not feeling well." I told Dipper worringly.

"I think so too, but she can handle it. We'll find out later on."  He said as he stared out at the window.

A few minutes passed and we arrived at the Shack. I woke up Catherine and she started to yawn and then rub her eyes. 

'She looked so cute!' I thought while mentally squealing

"Are we here?" She mumbled.

"Wow, you look so cute!" I said as she blushed a tint of pink.

"S-shut up... Anyways, this is where you stay every summer, looks like some kind of goofy knick knack house." She said as we enter the Shack, leaving Grunckle Stan and Dipstick with the bags.

"Actually it's kind of like a tourist trap. Full of fake and weird attraction! The one and ONLY MYSTERY SHACK!!" 

"Hehe cool. So where do I sleep? If you don't mind."

"You'll stay at our room! We can get you a sleeping bag and BOOM, ok?" 

"Yeah, sounds cool. I hope none of you sleep talks at night because that will make me really ticked off." She said with a smile, which creeped me out.

"Hey girls! Can you at least help us out?" We turned around to see Dipper struggling as he tries to carry my suitcase.

"Mabel what is in this thing?! Cinder blocks? Bowling balls?"

"Trust me bro bro, if I brought those, Grunckle Stan's car wouldn't even move one bit. BUT, I did plan about bringing those to do something colorful with it in the future..." I smirked.

I paused a while to see Dip's reaction, wide-eyed.

"....JK!" I said and laughed. 

"Come on Kitty, I'll show you to the attic." Dip said.

"Wait- who's Kitty?" Cath asked.

"Did I seriously called Catherine 'Kitty'?" Dipper said.

"You're even talking out loud." I snickered.

"Umm, I j-just thought it was c-cute..." Dipper mumbled and looked down.

"I guess that's fine..... I would love to see my side of the room right now. I want to sleep some more." She yawned.

"Alright." And then Dipper led her to the attic.

'I hope they'll get together this summer!!'

Hope you liked it!!
PPG here sayin seeya!!

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