The #RetellingsUnite Activity Tag

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While we are still running our first contest, we've decided to also run a fun little prompt.

So what is the prompt?

The prompt isn't a story prompt. It's more of just an activity that we'd love to have everyone participate in. As some of you may know, there are often tag prompts that go around where users tag other users they think would be interested. So here is your challenge:

If you answer all of these questions as a shout out to your followers, a comment below, or in a chapter in one of your books, you will get a shout-out from us and your answers will be put in our upcoming book "Connecting With The Community." Included in that will be a dedication and a paragraph written about you and your writing.

The questions you have to answer are:

1. What are your three favorite fairytales, folk tales, myths, legends, or classic novels?

2. What is your favorite published retelling? (Not on Wattpad.)

3. Who or what has inspired you to write retellings?

4. What are some problems you have run into while writing retellings?

5. Alternatively, if you don't write retellings, if you could write a retelling what would you write it about?

6. Do you think retellings should get their own genre on Wattpad? Why?

7. If there are two retellings on Wattpad (that are not your own) you'd love to see published, what are they called and who has written them? Make sure to put the @ symbol before the author's username so that way they can be tagged!

8. If you could ask one of your favorite authors on Wattpad to write a retelling, what would that retelling be? Why? Tag that author, if you'd like!

9. If you could live in a fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, which would you want to live in?

10. If you could be best friends with a character from a fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, who would it be?

11. You have a chance to change one thing about your favorite fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel. What would you change? Why?

12. If you could have a conversation with an antagonist or villain from a fairy tale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, who would it be?

And lastly, tag seven people so they can answer the questions as well!

Oh, and don't forget to tag us or message us with a link so that way we know that you've answered our questions!

Some quick notes we feel will come up:

You do not have to write retellings to participate in this activity.

If you decide to post your answers as a chapter in a book, we ask that you also send a copy of your answers through private message to us. This is so we can include you in our book!

If you can't think of seven people to tag, that's okay. Just do your best and try to tag at least one.

If you are not tagged by someone but you want to participate, feel free to participate!

To start us off, we're going to tag ten users we'd love to see answer these questions!











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