Chapter 12

16 5 12

Song: Hatred.

After all this time..
The light goes out of our eyes..
All those happy times passing us by..
Who we used to be we leave behind..

We used to be so in love..
It's like we were in heaven up above.
But now all that's left is to hate you..
Hate you..
To hate you..

Once where there was love..
Now there was hatred..
I have a hatred for you instead of my heart..
We used to have love and now we're broken..

Once we used to be together..
Thought that it would be forever..
But now I look at our time..
Not with fondness but with pain..
And all of a sudden where life used to be a dream..
Turns into a nightmare flowing down a stream.

We used to be so in love..
It's like we were in heaven up above.
But now all that's left is to hate you..
Hate you..
To hate you..

Once where there was love..
Now there was hatred..
I have a hatred for you instead of my heart..
We used to have love and now we're broken..

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