Chapter 16

9 4 4

Song title :Magical Smile

What do you think it takes,

To get past the hate,

stop playing games

Is it really too late?

Can you feel it all around?

My Heart is beating don't make a sound,

What do you think you can do,

to bring it all back around.

All it takes to get past the hate,

To Rectify mistaikes made,

Give me a Magical Smile

Even if it is once in a while.

Give a magical Smile.

Lets stop the war

and keep giving love of course,

Turn and face me

please do'nt hate me

Give me a Magical Smile

Even if it is once in a while.

Give a magical Smile.

Give me My Smile back

My Smile

Give me my smile

Create a little magic and you got something like this:

A Magical Smile what a gift that is,give me a magical smile... :)

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