Chapter 21

12 3 4

Song : immature

I'm tired of being like this..
Of even opening up the door,
Even though I can clearly see that life is a bore.

What has life got to offer me?.. I implore!
I love having fun..
And I love being loud..
But I can't help it.. It's who I am and how I sound..
But after this I get accused of being immature..
Oh my god!.. Please no.. I am not immature.

So I try to come off being all serious..
But then I see that's not really me..
Maybe this is who I wanna be..

I get accused of being immature
Because I like kids better than the adults that bore..
At least kids don't judge..and they are a lot of fun..
I can be mature about some things but you just don't see it all..
So I cannot and will not be described as immature.

Music is my life ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя