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Eliza (Eh-lie-zah)
I shift in my seat and scratch my arm through the fabric of my shirt. I look up at Jessie, Ron Anderson's mom, talking and writing on a chalk board. 
I shift my eyes to the teenagers around me. All of them were whispering to their friends or staring off into space. I was the only one paying attention, for the main reason being I don't have any friends to whisper to.
I look to the front of the classroom and see Carl Grimes. The rebel of the class. He hasn't started anything yet which is surprising. He was sitting next to his fuck buddy, Enid Rhee. They weren't together sine Carl made it clear to everyone that he didn't want to be tied down to anyone. But they were still the "hot couple to be".
I've been here longer than everyone else has. I found Dianna along the way. I helped build Alexandria. I've been watching all these people for a long while. All they ever want to do is bitch and complain. And I'm done with it.
I'm going to do something about it.
I'm just not sure what yet.
I look up from my notebook when Jessie's watch went off, signaling class was over.
"Goodbye everyone. Have a nice weekend." Jessie says with a white toothed smile. I walk out of the small garage and try walking fast to get home without trouble.
I hear footsteps behind me. I walk even faster, close to a running speed when I get pulled backwards by the collar of my shirt. I feel my back slam into a body that's taller than me. Strong arms press me against their body.
"Where are you going, princess?" The voice I wish I didn't know whispers in my ear.
"Get off me, Ron." I say, attempting to pull myself away from his grip. He's gotten stronger since he first came here.
"Come to my house at seven tonight or else."
"Or else what?" I say, still struggling to get released.
"I'm gonna get you."
I look into my mirror, shaking my head in disappointment. I've been jerked around by Ron Anderson for over two years. When was I finally going to stand up to him?
Ron and I used to be best friends, he was the first person my age to move in. We would play video games in his room and read comic books for hours.
Then Mikey came and took all that away from me.
If I wanted to keep any part of Ron my only option was being his girlfriend.
I throw down the red lipstick on my dresser and walk down my steps. I tug my sleeves over my wrists and lock my door on the way out.
I walk three houses down to the Anderson's. I knock on the front door and Jessie appears.
"Hi Eliza." She says, opening the door up and allowing me to enter. I smile at her and make my way up the stairs.
I take a shaky breath before opening up the door to Ron's room. I look around and see Ron, Carl, Enid, and Mikey.
"What did I say about not knocking?" Ron says in a stern tone, not even looking up from his comic book. Everyone else looks at me waiting for a response.
"Sorry, I just forgot." I say in a stuttered manner.
"You're also late." Ron says again, this time looking at me.
"N-no I'm not." I say, looking at my watch.
I turn my wrist at an awkward angle to show him. Ron just rolls his eyes and shifts on his bed to move closer. He grabs my wrist forcefully and yanks me towards him. I notice Carl Grimes flinch at this.
Ron grabs my hips and sets me on his lap to get a better look at the watch. He presses the button on the side and makes it say 6:04. I watch his face as he does this. After he's finished he looks up at me with a small nice smirk. He pushes one side of my hair behind my ear, making me smile.
I do love Ron a lot. He's just too protective.
I look at the television and see Mikey's video game.
"Can I play the game with him?" I whisper to Ron.
"No just lay with me."
I look down and nod as Ron slides me off and shifts to lie down. I cuddle back into him. His arms wrap around me and he presses me against him. I sigh and watch Mikey continue to play the video game alone.
"What the hell did you say to me?" I hear Pete yell from downstairs, making everyone's head look toward the direction of the door. Mikey unplugs the game set and I sit up.
"Everyone needs to leave. Except Eliza, you can stay." Ron says. Everyone nods, including me.
"I'll go get Sam. You grab the bats." I say while everyone else climbs out the window. I walk out of Ron's room and down to Sam's.
Sam is sitting in the corner of his room with his ears covered. I shake him, his eyes popping open.
"Grab your bat. We've gotta go." I say quietly. Sam nods and gets his wooden baseball bat, then walks back with me to Ron's room. 

Ron shuts his door and opens the closet, letting me and Sam in first. He locks it once he's inside too.
He sits next to me. I have Sam on my lap and Ron has his arm around me, gun in his other hand.
I know he doesn't know how to properly shoot.
Rick Grimes, Carl's father, just began teaching him.
"Ron, can I hold the gun?" I whisper. I feel Ron get tense.
"No. Absolutely not."
"Please. I know you don't know how to-" I get cut off by Ron's harsh whisper.
"You're only making things worse for yourself later Eliza."
I gulp and nod, holding Sam tighter.
I hear glass shatter downstairs and heavy footsteps stomping up the stairs.
"This isn't safe. This is the first place he's going to check." I say quietly and quickly. Ron places a hand over my mouth.
I hear banging on Ron's locked door. It'll break any second.
I shake my head and throw open the closet door, taking Sam with me. I run across the room and push Sam under the bed before sliding myself under as well. I look from under the bed to see Ron shaking his head and re-shutting the closet door quietly. 
I have one arm over Sam's back and the other over his mouth. I feel his tears on the top of my hand. My own just falling on the floor.
Ron's white bedroom door flies open and Pete automatically goes to the closet. He wiggle the doorknob a few times before pounding on the door. It eventually breaks in and Pete grabs Ron and throws him on the ground, hitting him repeatedly.
My tears spill faster but I don't make a sound. I watch Ron get beaten till unconscious. Which then Pete spits on the floor and leaves.
I still don't move until I hear the front door to the house slam shut.
I roll out from under the bed and crawl over to Ron's body. I set my hand on his neck and check that his pulse was still there.
I watch as his face bleeds.
I now know what I'm going to do to make all the citizens to stop their bitching and to be happy to be alive and living here.
I'm going to kill Pete Anderson.
So this was kind of a day in the life to get the book started. Not a real chapter.
But this fanfic is going to be based off of the Halsey album Badlands!

Badlands || Carl Grimes  *on the hiatus*Where stories live. Discover now