1. Castle

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"Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise."
3 days later
I sit next to Ron on my bed. I look around at all the teenagers in my room.
We decided to hang out at my house since I'm the only one with a house to myself.
"Am I the only one that hates it here?" Enid pipes up.
"No. It's fucking hell." Carl says, laughing a little. I squint my eyes at them. Enid wasn't paying attention to me but Carl raises an eyebrow.
I don't drop my stare and neither does he. Ron grabs my hand, making my attention go towards him.
"Stop looking at Carl." Ron whispers to me. I shake his hand off mine. But he grabs it again, forcefully.
"Get off me!" I say louder than I meant to, making Enid and Carl look our way. I see Ron's face heat up red with anger.
"Um...why didn't we invite Mikey? I'm going to go get Mikey." I say as quickly as I can, standing and running out of the room and house.
I slam the door. Ron will probably hurt me worse for that later.
I walk around town for a few minutes. Not actually looking for Mikey.
I'm done with these people. Deanna gave them a home, a safe haven. And I haven't heard one damn thank you.
I look at the road ahead and see Mikey with a boy. They were laughing and playfully pushing eachother. I approach them slowly.
"Oh hi Eliza." Mikey mumbles, looking down.
"Hi Mikey, who's this?"
"I'm James." The blonde haired boy says cheerfully, sticking his hand out. I take it and shake his hand with a smile.
"Well I was going to invite you to hang out but it looks like you're busy. Yeah?" I say.
"Um yeah James is new so I'm just showing him around for a bit."
James's smile fell a bit and I decided that'd be a good moment to go.
"Okay, well bye then. Nice meeting you James." I say with a wave, walking away. I walk and look at all the ungrateful people. One day Deanna is going to die and I'm going to get to take over this place.
I walk past Ron's house and see Pete sitting on the porch eating mashed potatoes. He looks up and sees me, giving me a smile that I return.
I know how I'm going to kill him.
And he's never going to see it coming.
I approach Carol's door, a lady from Carl's group. I've watched her, she's more skilled than she's shown. I think she'd be very useful.
I hit my fist against the wood of her door three times. She soon appears with a smile.
"I need your help." I say.
"With what?" She asks, with a light voice. I sigh.
"Can I come in? Its something no one can overhear."
"Tell me what it is dear."
I lean in close to her so I can whisper.
"I want to kill Pete Anderson."
Carol's smile falls quick into what seems to be her natural face. She grabs the shoulder of my shirt and pulls me into her house quickly, shutting the door behind me.
"Well what's your plan?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"You're not even going to ask why?" I ask suddenly.
"I've had my reasons to dislike Pete and quite frankly I don't care what yours are so tell me the plan before I lose interest." She says, making me realize she's definitely not as sweet as she seems.
"You cook right? You can get into the food supply. I need you to get me peanuts. I can cover the rest." I explain.
"What are you going to do with the peanuts?"
"Pete is allergic to them."
Carol nods her head in agreement.
"You know what kid? I'll do it. But I advise you to not be so mean, you're too young for it."
I shrug.
"That's the world we live in."
Carol nods and I leave the house. I walk around with my head held high, until I get to my own home.
I gulp and open the door, walking up to my room. I see Ron sitting on the bed, looking calm.
"Ron?" I ask quietly and carefully. I make my way over to the bed, climbing up onto it. Ron grabs my shirt collar in a quick motion and slams me down onto the bed and gets on top of me.
"You think you're going to make a scene like that in front of our friends and then just leave?" Ron spits, his eyes burning into me. His hand are holding my wrists down and he's sitting on my hips.
"Enid Rhee and Carl Grimes are not my friends and neither are you. So let me go." I say not thinking before I speak, trying to pull my wrists free.
"You're going to regret that."
I immediately stop my struggles and I snap out of my tough side as I know what's about to happen.
"Ron please, I'm sorry. Please just don't-" I get cut off by a stinging in my left cheek as my head flips to the right. The tears start coming down.
"Pants off now." Ron commanded, scooting back a little.
"Please Ron I really don't feel like it tonight please."
"Now Eliza or I'll take them off for you."
I sniffed and unbuttoned my jeans. I slide them down my thighs and Ron crawls over to me, pushing my hair back with his finger.
"You're such a good girl Eliza...I know that. You just act badly sometimes and I have to teach you a lesson so you won't lash out again." He says softly, I close my eyes and listen to his somewhat soothing words. They're only soothing because they give a little reasoning to this madness.
But vowels and consonants can't fix this.
I know that, I'm just condoning his behavior cause I can't let go of the memories of who he once was. The sweet Ron Anderson I loved.
"Can't we just talk about it?"
"God damnit Eliza! Won't you do yourself good and listen to me!" Ron yells, standing up and walking over to the wall.
"Please don't do anything stupid, I'll have sex I'm sorry. I'm sorry Ron please." I say, kicking off my jeans and walking over to him. I grab onto his arm gently but he just pushes me off, making me stumble backwards.
Tears won't stop streaming down my cheeks.
Ron grabs me and slams me down on the bed, he unbuckles his belt and throws it across the room. Soon kicking his jeans off as well.
I take off my underwear hoping that if I obey him he'll be less rough.
Ron slams inside of me and I bite my lip to keep from crying. I don't want to make any sound of pain or he'll get mad. I look at the wall and try to not focus on what is happening.
But I can't ignore the pain that's shooting through me.
Ron moans and mumbles my name.
Ron never lasts too long, which is good for me.
He soon pulls out and releases onto my stomach.
I sigh, glad that it's over.
Ron stands up and walks into the hallway, coming back with a towel. He hands it to me.
"Thank you." I whisper, taking it and wiping off what he did.
"No. Thank you baby." Ron says sweetly, kissing my forehead. I smile as Ron redresses himself.
"Well I've got to go before my mom freaks out and my dad...you know."
I nod and kiss him goodbye.
I flop back on my bed once I hear the front door shut, signaling he's gone. I shut my eyes for a moment before I hear a voice.
"Why do you let him treat you like that?"
I jump up and grab my knife off my dresser. I look at who spoke. I'm surprised by who I see standing in my bedroom doorway.
Carl Grimes.
This sucks balls sorry

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