bucky no-bucky yes

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Through the glass wall you heard Bucky talking to Steve.
"I dunno, I just really like her. I was gonna ask her out for drinks later. You and Natasha wanna come?"
"Sure" Steve replied. "What time you thinking?"
A wave of jealousy surged through you, and you stormed away before you heard any more. You'd liked Bucky since, well, forever. Who was this other girl? Someone he met on the last mission? You dragged yourself back to your room and flopped down onto your bed, scowling into the mattress, bubbling with anger, jealousy and confusion. Groaning you rolled over and sat up- only to meet your eyes with Bucky himself.

Sharply inhaling you open your mouth to say something before he interrupts you.
"I don't need an explanation for.. What that was. I just wanna be with you for a while." You wriggle over and he throws himself down next to you, smoothly pulling you closer to him. You were very close friends- with almost no boundaries- and this wasn't anything new. You leaned against him and sighed, too tired to ask what he was talking about before, too scared of looking like you were purposely listening in on his conversation. Feeling his shoulders slightly rise and fall with every breath he took was calming, but not calming enough to make you want to just sit in silence- any other time would have been fine, but today you were just too restless.
You pull yourself in front of him, so that you're both sitting cross-legged, facing each other. You watch his face as he stares at a wall. He purses his lips, and then his expression goes blank momentarily, before dragging his eyes back to yours.

After a few seconds he says
"So me and Steve were gonna go out for coffee later. He's bringing Natasha" he paused for a second, before continuing "and I was just wondering if you wanted to come with us? Just a friend thing, obviously" he said, pushing your arm gently.
"yeah, sure" you choked out. You knew what this meant. Or what it probably meant, because when he said "like" it could have really meant anything. Silently hoping it did mean he liked you in that way, because oh god you liked him, you nodded and smiled.

"Oh sweet. I mean, even if you said no I would have probably dragged you along anyway." You scowled at his response, and he looked concerned for a second.
"Dude, why would I have said no. Can't leave you alone with those two can I?"
"Well you better not. Are you gonna get changed because if you're not we can just go now. Pretty sure Natasha and Steve are ready, and you look cute anyway so.. let's just go" he mumbled, pulling your arm and stepping up away from the bed. You smirked and you got dragged with him, winking at Tony as you walked past. (He was the only person who knew about your feelings for Bucky. He literally guessed the moment you started crushing on him, it was weird.) Tony grinned back, then mouthed "not too much fun" through the window.

You looked forward and saw Bucky looking at you, slightly concerned but mostly confused. You laughed at him and put your hand over his face saying "I'll explain when you're older." He scowled, but kept walking anyway.

After buying your drinks Bucky said he wanted to sit inside, and so did you. Steve and Natasha decided they wanted to sit outside, making you suspicious. Was she in on it as well? Did she know that Bucky was about to ask you out?

You went and found a corner table that was pretty far away from everyone else and you sat in silence for about five minutes whilst you drank your coffee. He was the first to speak.

"I didn't bring you here for no reason you know"
You raised your eyebrows, unable to think of any response.
"I've been meaning to tell you for ages. If you don't feel the same nothing has to change, I just love being around you."
Completely unable to move you still didn't say anything, and he continued.
"I just like you a lot. I probably love you. I think we should go out on dates and watch movies together and do weird couple things together because I think you're perfect and I can't think about anyone else but you. Can I be your boyfriend? I like, really want to be your boyfriend."
He stared at your face, looking for some kind of hint, searching for a clue about your response. His look grew tired incredibly quickly and he started talking again.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to make this weird I'll g-" with one hand gripping his, you said
"I'd be an idiot not to love you, Barnes." he grinned, twisting his arm so that he could hold onto yours and pulledyou up away from the table. "We need to go immediately. Steve and Natasha are going to be here soon and when they come back they will ask questions we need to go no-" he was interrupted by your frantic pointing at them both as they were walking towards you.

Immediately Bucky ran to the door, you trailing behind him and swinging it open. Once you got outside he pulled you onto his back, you wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and he ran as fast as he could back to the avengers tower, losing Steve and Natasha in the crowds.

You were still desperately clinging onto Bucky when you got into the tower. rushing past Tony you screamed "DONT TELL THEM WE'RE HERE. IT WENT VERY WELL" he threw you a thumbs up and carried on with his work.

You got back to your room and Bucky wasted no time in kissing you everywhere he could. He wrapped his finger around your waistband, but suddenly felt your hand on his. "You don't have to do this" you said to him "I'm kinda gross, I don't want to ruin us already"

He stared at you deeply before responding "I think you're beautiful. I don't care if you think you're gross. As long as you're okay with this, all I have to worry about is where I'm putting my mouth first"

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