chapter 4

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"Bucky, we- OH GOD" you half screamed. He laughed at you before pausing to listen to what you were saying. "We.." you giggled. That giggle was almost pathetic but the entire situation was insane, so you didnt let it bother you.

"We need to actually get ready n- aAA jesus christ, stop it!" he was pressing his fingers to your spine, teasing you, making you scream involuntarily. Your hand flew backwards wildly, trying to stop him but you ended up leaning forwards in fits of laughter. He stopped suddenly and you looked up, only to be caught by him kissing you again. His fingers pushed into your hair, but you pushed your hands onto his chest and prised yourself away. "Getting. Ready... Now." you muttered, scowling at him playfully. "I hate you." he grinned, before standing up and jumping down from the bed, opening his closet and pulling out his jeans and a tank top. He pulled a hair tie off your dresser and wrapped his hair into a bun, before taking your hand and pulling you up, helping you off the bed.

"Should I get coffee?" he asked, more serious now. You nodded, and he slid out the room. Like, literally slid. the floors were well polished and he was wearing his fluffiest socks. He nearly stumbled in the doorway, before standing up straight and walking away, brushing his knees off even though he didnt actually fall.

You smiled, thinking what an idiot he was and just how lucky you were to have him. You pulled on your leggings, falling backwards onto the bed. Still lying down you reached for a long tshirt, and weakly pulled it over your head. You were tired, but not sleepy tired, it was more of a I need seventy cups of coffee and a slap in the face kind of tired.

You sat up, groaning as loudly as possible, not really expecting anyone to hear, and upon opening your eyes you saw Bucky staring at you, confused. His mouth was open to say something but he couldnt really form words. "I- Is this a bad time?" he laughed and handed you a cup of coffee, cream and one sugar, the way only he knew you liked it.
"You look cute" he grinned, before kissing your cheek and taking a sip of his coffee.
"I know" you sniggered gracelessly and he laughed even more. 
"God i love you" he said, quietly.
"I know" you whispered.

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