Chapter 3: The Truth

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       I was standing in a dark hallway. A light peeked out from one side. I started running towards the light. The dark had always scared me. One darkness hits you, it cloaks you until you suffocate. I know the feeling. Darkness had enveloped me so many times. I had been locked on closets, basements, and cupboards. There is a door at the end of the hallway. It opens when I reach it. I see a man sitting in a chair. At least, I think it's a man. He has no nose, a pale white face, and a black robe, his eyes are little slits. There is a stick resting under his hand.
                                           "Welcome, please have a seat"

He gestures to a empty chair. I hesitate, then sit down. An evil smile appears in his face. He stands up and walks around me. The scar on my necks starts to sting, burn, and sear. Sensing my pain, he traces a finger along my scar. I cry out in agony.
                                "I have been trying to find you for a long time."

I shake my head from side to side, not really knowing why. He laughs. It isn't like my foster mother's sweet tinkle though, it's more like and evil cackle.
                         "Your brother wasn't as hard to find. I know where he is. I just needed the missing puzzle piece, you. "

I scream in pain. My scar is searing. He takes a seat.
                            "Goodbye, Heather Potter."

Then I wake up.
       I walk downstairs, my scar still hurting. My foster parents are sitting in the living room, drinking coffee and reading the news. Mrs.Ataman looks at me. Her face grows worried.
                            "Are you okay honey?"
                            "I had a bad dream and the scar on my neck is really hurting.there was a man with a pale white face, no nose, and a black robe. He was holding a stick made of bones. The man said something about finding my brother and a missing puzzle piece."

Mr. Ataman looks extremely worried. He turns to Mrs. Ataman. They start talking in hushed whispers. She can't stay here anymore. Danger is near. We have to contact Dumbledore. He Who Shall Not Be Named has found her! No, she has to stay. She would be in way more danger at Hogwarts. No she wouldn't, Dumbledore is the only person You Know Who is afraid of. Heather would be safe there, with people of her own kind. Mrs.Ataman slowly and sadly nods her head. She stands up and walks over to me.
                         "Come on child, we have much shopping and explaining to do."

The three of us head upstairs into my room. I sit on the bed and look up at my foster parents. They seem so sad.
                      "We love you very much Heather, but the time has come for you to leave us. It is not because we don't want you, it's for your own good. We are going to contact an old friend of ours. He will come get you and take you to a safe place. You will be with people of your own kind."
                       "What do you mean my own kind. Am I not human?"

Mrs. Ataman laughs and shakes her head.
                        "You are absolutely human. A very special human."
                              "Am I crazy or something?"

Mr. Ataman takes my hand and looks me in the eyes.
                       "No Heather. You are not crazy. You're a witch."

My jaw drops. I has always thought wizards and witches were just fairytales.
                         "You are Heather Lily Potter, daughter of Lily and James Potter. Harry Potter is your brother. You were separated at birth to keep anybody looking to hurt you away. Heather, you are the girl who lived"

                       "Wh...what do you mean? I'm just a normal orphan. "
                        "You are everything but normal. Your parents sacrificed their lives for you and your brother. The man in your dream killed your parents, and he tried to kill you. His name was Voldemort. He was very powerful, and very evil. Once he decided to kill you, you were dead. Everyone that faced him died, except you and hour brother. Your father sacrificed himself to protect you, Harry, and your mother. It was to late though. Your mother ended up dying for you and Harry. Their sacrifice casted protection on you and your brother. When he tried to kill you and Harry, it didn't work. That scar on your neck comes from an act of pure evil. You were touched by evil. So was your brother."

I slowly nod. This is all so confusing. At least I know my parents did love me and they wanted me.
                     "Harry should be receiving the same information now."

Mr. and Mrs. Ataman look at me, waiting for my response.
                           "So what now?"
                       "Now you are going to Hogwarts."

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