Chapter 5: The Reunion

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     I walk out of the wand shop with the holly, phoenix feather wand. Hagrid meets me across the street with an armload of bags. His other arm is behind his back. I quickly take some of the bags from him. Hagrid smiles and brings out his arm. He is holding a cage with a small, black and white owl in it.
                              "Happy early birthday Heather."

My mind goes bonkers for a moment. I completely forgot tomorrow was my birthday. He hands me the cage. I wrap my arms around his stomach and give him a massive hug.
                                "Thank you so much Hagrid!"

He smiled as if he just won a million dollars... or galleons.
                         "What are you going to name him?"
                            "Hmmm... I'm going to name him Hugo."
Hagrid gently takes my arm and leads me down the street. We stop in front of a quiditch store. Hagrid explains that quiditch is played on brooms with four balls, almost like lacrosse.
                            "Your brother should be here in a moment."

Thats when I see him. He has shaggy black hair and glasses. It was his eyes that I noticed though. They were just like mine. Then I saw the scar on his forehead. It was absolutely my brother.

My voice was just a whisper, but he seemed to hear me clearly. Recognition flashed on his face.

Thats when a flashback hit. Her and Harry were building a tower of blocks. Their mother clapped and laughed. Then their dad snuck up behind Harry and knocked the tower over. She giggled while Harry sat confused unsure of what happened. The two babies hugged, making the mother sigh in happiness.

I ran towards him. Harry picked me up  and gave me a giant hug. When he put me down, I placed my hands on his shoulders.
            "I kept having dreams about you, but I couldn't figure out who you were."
                                                      "Same here!"

Harry hugs me again. I hug him back. Then two other people come over. One is a boy and one is a girl. The boy has red hair and freckles, while the girl has brown hair and a heart shaped face. Harry points at the boy, then the girl.
                              "This is Ron, and this is Hermione."

I smile at them.
                               "Nice to meet you, I'm Heather."

Harry outs his arm around my shoulders. I lean into his touch. It has been so long since I have had a friend or brother. Well, I've actually never had a friend or brother besides Harry. Ron raises an eyebrow. Harry turns to Hagrid.
                                  "Thank you for bringing her to me."

Hagrid smiles.
                             "My pleasure. Goodbye Heather. I'll see you around."
                                       "Goodbye Hagrid."

He walks away. Ron looks pointedly at me and Harry.
                                     "So... Who's the girl."
Hermione slaps his shoulder. He winces in pain. Harry looks at me, then at Ron. He starts to laugh.
                           "This is Heather. She's my twin sister."

Ron's jaw drops. Same with Hermione's. I fight back the urge to laugh.  Ron nods slowly, as if taking in all that information is hard. He frowns, then smiles when Hermione jabs him in the ribs with her elbow. Hermione walks over to me and gives me a quick hug.
                          "Nice to meet you Heather. I sure hope you feel welcome here."
                                       "Thanks Hermione."

She smiles. Ron comes over and slaps a hand down on my shoulder.
                             "Nice meeting you."

Then he walks back and stands with Hermione. I notice the two of them ate standing really close. Harry puts his arm back around my shoulder and kisses my cheek.
                                              "Who is this."

Harry and I quickly whip around. In front of me is a really pretty redhead girl. She is looking at Harry with a mix of confusion and betrayal. I quickly step towards her.
                                   "Hi, I'm Heather."
                                       "I'm Ginny."

Thats when I notice Harry looking at her. Harry steps towards her.
         "This is my twin sister. Hagrid brought her a few minutes ago."

All the confusion, betrayal, and sadness immediately vanishes from her face. A breath if relief escapes her mouth before she can stop herself. Harry smiles at her. She smiles back. I'm starting to feel nauseous. Apparently, so is Ron. I go over and whisper in his ear, are you feeling sick to your stomach or is it just me? He laughs. Harry turns his attention back to us.
                      "Why don't we grab a butter beer and explain everything."

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