Chapter 4: Diagon Alley

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       I stand in front of a pub in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ataman said someone would be coming to get me. They didn't say who, just that I needed to go with them. I had been waiting for 30 minutes when a huge man walks up to me. When I say huge, I mean giant huge.
                         "Well hello Heather. I'm Rubeus Hagrid. Dumbledore is going to be happy to see you."

I hesitantly walk over to him. He bundles me up in a massive hug.
                            "You were just a little girl when I last saw you."

He laughs. His laugh basically shakes the building.
                           "Ready to meet your brother and get school supplies."
                                 "I...I guess so."

Hagrid grabs my little hand in his huge one and walks me through the pub. When we reach the back, he looks at me. He takes a pink umbrella out of his pocket.
                      "If you could not mention this to anybody, I'd really appreciate it. I'm not supposed to be using magic."

I nod, he smiles. Then he taps his pink umbrella against the brick wall in several different places. The wall starts to fold in on itself. A busy, little alley appears. Hagrid dramatically waves a hand towards it.
                              "Welcome Heather, to Diagon Alley."

I'm absolutely awestruck. This little alley is so charming and magical. Hagrid grins at my shock and starts walking. I follow him, looking at everything we pass by.
                               "So Heather, Harry is with his friends right now. In the meantime, we are going to get everything you will need for school. Oh, don't worry. Your parents left you lots of money."

I nod once again. We start walking to a giant, white building. It is absolutely beautiful.
                       "Whats that? It's beautiful."

Hagrid chuckles quietly to himself.
                           "That my dear, is Gringotts Bank. It is run by goblins, so stay close."

A small gasp escapes my mouth. Hagrid chuckles, then starts laughing. I blush.
                        "Come on child. Lets go get you some money."

We walk through the doors. The sight of the white marble, tall pillars, and goblins hits me hard. I have never actually seen a goblin. Then again, most normal people haven't. Hagrid and I walk up to the very front. A goblin looks down at us.
                        "I would like to take some money out of Heather Potter's safe."

The goblin leans down and gazes intently at me.
                             "Does Miss. Heather Potter have her key?"

Hagrid grabs a small key from his pocket and hands it to the goblin. The goblin shakes his head and walks down from the platform behind his desk. He gestures for us to follow him. A few minutes later, we walk out with a bag of galleons, sickles, and knuts. That's what the magical world uses as currency. Hagrid leads me to a little shop in a corner of the alley. Written above the door in gold letters was Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C. I look at it curiously.
                            "What are we doing here?"

Hagrid looks at me, seeming confused that I don't know. Then he remembered that I only found out I was a witch a few hours ago.
                  "You are going to get a wand while I purchase the rest of your supplies."

I nod. He gently pushes me through the doorway. Then he walks off. I look around for a moment before going to the counter.

An old man walks out form between the rows of shelving. He smiles when he sees me.
                             "Ah Heather. It has been so long since your mother and father stepped on here. You look surprisingly more like James than Lily. You do have her eyes though. So does Harry. I assume you have come for a wand?"

I quickly nod my head. He starts scanning the rows of shelves. There are hundreds of dusty, little boxes on each shelf. There are probably 200 shelves. The man walks over to me with a gray box in his hands. He opens it up and hands me the wand. It is made of a beautiful, delicate wood with an amber color. Patterns if flowers make up the exterior design. It is the prettiest thing I have ever seen.
                                "Try giving it a little flick."

I gently flick the wand toward a shelf. It explodes. The old man winces. I put the wand back on the counter before I explode the building. He walks over to a different shelf.
                             "What is your name sir?"
                             "Call me Ollivander miss."
                                  "Please call me Heather."

He grinned, then chuckled.
                               "Alright Miss Heather."

Ollivander was clearly not going to stop. We went through several wands and several explosions. He then brought over a black box. Nesting inside was a brown wand, probably carved from a holly tree. It was plain and simple, purely perfect. I had never really liked girly things.
                 "Eleven inches, holly and phoenix feather. Very unusual combination."

I gently picked it up. The wood was warm against my hand. It started to glow. I gave it a small flick. All the lamps in the dark room lit up. Mr. Ollivander looked at me curiously.
                           "Strange. Very, very strange."

Now I'm really confused.
                                     "What's strange Mr. Ollivander?"

He is pacing back and forth around the desk. Then he faces me, his face dead serious.
                           "The phoenix that shed the feather in that wand shed to other feathers, meaning there are only three wands with the same phoenix feather. Your brother has one, and now you have one."
                              "Who has the other one?"

He points to the scar on my neck. My hand immediately goes up to gently cover it.
                               "The man who tried to kill you and your brother."

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