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"Taaaaaaaaj," Harry whined as his boyfriend dragged him out of bed. "I wanted to sleep later. You know I have to get up early tomorrow for filming."

Taj rolled his eyes at his partner. "I told you three weeks ago that we were going to go out to brunch with our friends today!" It was true. Because of how busy everyone in their clique was, they had to schedule meet-ups like this weeks in advance. Slowly but surely, Taj convinced Harry to get showered and dressed for their outing.

They headed out of the house exactly when they were supposed to thanks to Taj's wonderful persuasion, which included things like blowjobs and washing the dishes. Harry drove and halfway there, he grabbed Taj's hand and brought it to his mouth. He kissed the soft, tan skin.

"I love you," Taj whispered.

Harry smiled, "I love you too."

When they reached the small restaurant, both of the men got out of the vehicle and walked inside with their hands still clasped together. As they entered the building, the two were immediately greeted by welcoming cheers.

"Harry! Taj! We were waitin' for ya!" Niall called from the large booth in the corner. Their three friends were positioned in the back, away from the hustle and bustle of the cafe. They hurried over and slid into the booths.

"Hey guys!" Taj smiled. "It's been a while! What have you been up to?" They went around the table talking about the different projects they had been working on and even relinquishing a couple juicy bits about their love lives.

Zayn had been filming in Australia with a boat that was searching for great whites.

Niall had been on the set of a major movie doing some sound work for them, but he wasn't allowed to tell his friends anything else.

They had all talked about what they had been doing except Liam and Harry was about to change that.

"Li, what have you been doing?" He said with genuine interest. Liam was always doing something cool, like hiking up mountains or making contact with lost tribes.

The quiet man sent Harry a weak smile before shrugging. "Nothing much I'm afraid." The other boys knew that was a lie. Liam couldn't chill out for more than a day without driving himself insane.

"Lying isn't cool, Man," Niall laughed from his side of the table. "Just tell us the truth. We're not going to laugh or anything!" It was true. They had all been on enough crazy adventures to know to take one another seriously.

Liam just shook his head, "Nah, I'm not really lying. I just... It's not completely certain yet, so I don't want to get your hopes up." Now the group was really interested.

"C'mon Liam! You can't say that and then not tell us what's going on! That's mean," Harry pouted, playfully. Taj put an arm around him, comforting him as a joke.

Biting his lip, Liam seemed uncertain for a moment and then finally gave up. "Okay, guys, okay. I'll tell you, but it's not certain yet. Well, mostly it's up to you after this point." They waited expectantly for Liam to continue. "I found a way, Harry, for you to catch your piraiba." The group gasped. This was Harry's dream. Ever since his dad had died, Harry had envisioned himself  catching a giant piraiba and chasing his dad's dreams for him, since he could no longer do it.

Harry was stunned. He had a chance. There was a way to catch his dream fish. His dad would look down on him and be proud of what he had accomplished. This was the chance of a lifetime. If he didn't take it, he would regret it deeply for the rest of his life.

Taj leaned forward. "What's the catch Liam? There has to be something or you wouldn't be this apprehensive about telling us." Although Liam was relatively blank-faced, Taj prided himself on being able to read people well.

Liam frowned down at his lap and sighed, "This is the part that might make you reconsider, Harry. The chief said... he said..." Liam paused and bit his lip briefly. "He said that the only way he would let you on his land would be if you had sex with and impregnated his son."

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