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Hi :)

I basically pulled this chapter out of my ass, but I promise the next chapter is really good. I wrote that one before I even started the book and the prologue and this chapter were just to catch you guys up on my thought process lol. This is how Louis and Harry look.

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Not edited. AT ALL. please point out any mistakes. Kindly thought. I have a very fragile self-esteem :)

Hope you like it :)


The news hit Harry like a sack of bricks. He was in a relationship. He loved Taj very much. He wanted to be there for his first born, not leave him with an islander he didn't know. There were so many things that Harry wanted and he knew that some of them, he might not get if he didn't take this chief's deal.

After the shock of the proposition, the group ate in rather tensely. When they did talk, it was quiet and soon smothered by the daunting weight of the silence. Even Niall, who was normally full of exuberant talking, found it in himself to quiet down.

Taj had lost his appetite. He knew that this is what Harry had been dreaming of and he knew that very little could stop his boyfriend from going after what he desired. Just the very thought made him want to puke. He pushed the food on his plate around and sighed. What was he going to do?

After their quiet brunch, everyone left in varying state of togetherness. Harry and Taj left together and so did Niall and Zayn. Liam, however, left alone with his entire body displaying the weight of his emotions. It was all his fault. If he hadn't pushed the chief, if he had waited to tell Harry, if he hadn't let the chief run the conversations... He felt awful. Just as Liam was getting the car, he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey," said Harry. "Liam, it's not your fault that's what the chief wants. I promise you. Thank you for at least telling me. I'll let you know what we're doing soon." He gave Liam a tight hug, just like he did for all of his close friends. Then he went back to his boyfriend who gave him a light kiss on the temple.

"Let's talk at home," Taj whispered lightly. Harry nodded..


"Taj, you know this has been my dream forever."

The two had just sat down in their bed for some good old fashioned communication.

The arabic boy nodded and said with confidence, "I know. That's why I am going to fully support you in this endeavour. We just need to be open with each other and talk about everything we're concerned about."

Harry's smile had never been so big. He leaned forward and caught Taj's lips in a tender kiss. He rose to his knees and placed his hand sweetly on either side of his lover's head. Taj gripped Harry's hips and heaved him onto his lap. They kissed fervently for a couple minutes before Harry broke the kiss.

"We need to talk more. If this was going the way I thought it was, I wouldn't have been able to talk normally for a couple of days," Harry breathed. Just thinking about it almost made Taj hard in his pants, but he kept it down for the sake of their talk.

"Alright," Taj smiled, "When do you want to go?" He decided that he was going to start with the traditional when, where, why, and how.

Harry thought for a moment. "As soon as I can. Although, with all the different transport needed to get there, it could be a while before we can get it all in order. Let's talk to Liam later and see if we can get it worked out."

His boyfriend grinned and asked, "How long do you want to stay?"

Now this was a complicated question. Harry had to factor in all the different attributes. How long should he expect to wait to catch the fish? What would the weather be like while he was there? How long would he be allowed to stay? What about the chief's son? What would happen with his pregnancy?

"I would," Harry paused. He knew Taj wouldn't like this answer. "I would want to stay until I want to leave." And if that wasn't already vague enough Harry topped it off with. "Could be a month, could be half a year. It depends on the conditions and the people."

Taj sighed exasperatedly. "That is the worst answer I've heard all day. I just... " He dropped his head into his hands. Since he was never one to break down, Harry knew something was up.

"Baby!" Harry called. "What's wrong? Please tell me." He wrapped his arms around his quiet lover. :What's wrong, Taj?"

The other man shook his head and sighed. "I just... I don't want you to forget about me. You're going to be away a long time and I don't want you to forget that I'm still your boyfriend."

Harry's heart broke. He didn't want his partner to feel this way at all. He wanted to keep him safe and happy. "I'll buy a satellite phone. Then we can talk from anywhere in the world. I won't forget you as long as you promise not to forget me."

Without a word, Taj hugged Harry tightly. Time passed without them knowing it and it seemed like their time together was over in a blink of an eye.

Weeks had passed and Harry was busy getting ready to leave. Everything was in order. He would be leaving for the airport the next morning. From there, he would fly to the next airport where he would meet a guide who would drive him and his crew to the harbor. Next they would get on a boat that would take them to their final destination. The entire trip would take over a day, but Harry was ready.

Taj was not ready though. He had been distancing himself from Harry. It was blatantly obvious that something was up. The man had been quiet the last couple days and Harry was about to find out why.

"I leave in a couple hours, Taj," Harry said as he stepped into their bedroom. "Can we talk?"

The man sat up from where he was collapsed in bed and nodded without a sound.

"Why have you been so cold to me lately? I'm leaving soon and you can't even be bothered to help me get my suitcases packed. Have I done something? Did I forget an important date?" Harry was sure he hadn't. He wrote these kinds of things down so he could remember them. They had a fight a year or two ago when he had forgotten their six month anniversary. Taj felt it was important to celebrate milestones, Harry, not so much. Taj shook his head. Harry was almost ready to pull out his hair! "Then what is it? What could I have possibly done?" He shouted to the ceiling.

Taj looked at Harry sadly and whispered, "I don't want you to go. I won't let you go."

Harry looked at Taj with astonishment clear on his face. "You won't let me go? Taj," he laughed out of his nose. "You can't tell me what I can and can't do. That's not how this relationship works."

The Arabic boy huffed at his boyfriend. "I don't want you to go. I get it's your dream and all, but you're going to be fooling around with some... some... heathen!" Taj growled. "I can't help it if I don't want my boyfriend to have sex with other people!"

"We haven't even met him! How could you say he's a heathen! You don't even know what he looks like!" Harry retorted from his side of the bed.

"Harry Styles," Taj stated, "If you walk out of that door tomorrow, I don't know what i'll do!"

"Well then, you'll have to figure it out," shouted Harry as he stood. He turned swiftly and stomped out of the room.

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