Chicken Pot Pie Dancing with Barack Obama's Wife's Daughter's Dog's Bone

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I WAS TAGGED IN A THINGY FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY WATTPAD HISTORY!!! BY INVADER_ZIM__!!! .... But one catch.... I can't tag 13 people, as I don't know 13 people on Wattpad. Because I'm THAT antisocial... o-o
(I do this all the time.... so....)

And the title is so unique that I just confused ALL OF Y'ALLLLLL!!!

What is your biggest dream? Um... I dunno. Have my own cartoon, have my own successful book, meet Jhonen Vasquez, find out he's (probably) an atheist and he's the exact opposite of me, stop liking Invader Zim and JTHM for a while, end up loving it even more than before....
Well. That, or having ice cream. :P

Who is your favorite person in the whole world? GAH!! NONE OF THEM!!! ALL OF THEM!!! .... I DUNNO!!! Um. DRACO MALFOY!!! (He's in the world.... in a book.... .3.)

If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Zim. Enough said.

Do you like someone? If yes, why? (I know this question is as stupid as one of Trump's speeches, but eh.) Do they have to be a real person...?
In real life: No. NOOOO. Never. Ever.
Fictional peeps: *blushes intensely* Yyyess........... ....... Bbeeecause they're blond emos and Irkens.... *whisper* and maybe just a tiny bit paranormal investigator dorks with weird hair....... >~<

Where would you like to live? Dresden, Germany. Heck yes.

Are you obsessed with a celebrity? No. I'm not into famous creeps. *le shrug*

Would you want to travel in time? If yes, when would you want to go? No. I wouldn't. I'd screw up the past and cry about my future. XD

*question* ..... Um, what.

What is humanity's biggest issue, in your opinion? They're too darn judgemental and mean. I don't really care of global warming, because one day I'm gonna die and not have to worry about the crappy Earth any longer! Just please, try to be nice to everyone, because it really makes their day. Really.

Do you believe in aliens? Hm. I dunno. I sort of don't, but I don't think I care...? I mean, the closest solar system is literally impossible to get to, so I'm not that concerned about aliens. I'd be friends with them, probably.... XD

What is your favorite song? *sing-growling* YOU FALL TO YOUR KNEES, YOU BEG, YOU PLEAD, "CAN I BE SOMEONE ELSE. FOR ALL THE TIMES I HATE MYSELF?!" YOUR FAILURES DEVOIR YOUR HEART IN EVERY HOUR, YOU'RE DROWNING IN YOUR *screams* IM-PER-FEC-TIOOOOOONS!!! ..... Ahem.... I mean.... Imperfection by Skillet. Or Fingernails by Skillet. Or--you know what? Any Skillet song.
Skillet is life.
(Or Someone to Hate by Demon Hunter. That's a good song too.)

How do you think people see you?
Family- I'm that one girl constantly on electronics, but when I'm finally pulled away from them, I'm the best encourager in the world, if my fam is having problems. *thumbs up*
Friends- That one girl who tries to be funny and roleplays too much. Also too indecisive.
Acquaintances- That one really uncomfortable girl who's almost dead silent.
Strangers- They just don't see me. XD
Followers on Wattpad- Um. I dunno, I hardly know you guys....

What do you think of me?[invader_zim__] Dude. You're one of the best people I've ever met. Legitimately, one of the best.

So, um, those were my questions. I answered them. But I'm not tagging anyone because I don't know 13 people on Wattpad very well! Yay. :/

*looks at rules* .... SHUT UP, RULES, I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!!!!

And crap I didn't do this in a week and the rules say I get a punishment for that.... hm....... INVADER_ZIM__, I AWAIT MY PUNISHMENT OF DOOM AND PAIN!!! .... Uh... If you want to. o3o

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