Mystery Person (2)

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This song has nothing to do with this this chapter but I really like the song

Trin Pov

I can't belive what just happened now I'm locked up on some random building. Ok let me take you guys through. So as you know there was a shadow by the window as the know what...playback.😂

Ken Pov

Trin came running into my room I got hella scared after I heard Big dog scream.
You know big dog is our body guard / baby sister so he is like our big brother .
He never gets scared of nothing do when we heard him scream we were really scared for what was going on down stairs.

Ken: Trin cone on help me move some of this stuff to block the door. . She said she trying to push the dresser in front of the door

I ran to help her but by the time we had finish someone on the other side was pushing the door open...

~Meanwhile with Beyonce ~

Chris pov

I just got a call from my boss telling me to bring Beyonce to him. I bet y'all wondering who is my boss. I can't tell you that you just going to have to wait ..

I just walked over to and she was looking worried

" why are you looking scared " i asked her

" because the girls haven't called me and my alarm just went off at the house and on top of all of that big dog isn't answering any of my calls " she replied back to me

We sat there for a few minutes talking and she said she wanted me to bring her back home so we got up and walked back to my car . But before I opened the door for her I got this needle out of my jacket pocket and stab her in her lower thigh . .

One hour later

I just got to the warehouse or I'm supposed to be meeting up with the boss I really don't know what about this it's just that this dude came up to me and asked for my name I told it to him I went inside the warehouse and I can make a few minutes later he told me to come in and follow him and then once we will come and get in a with him to this old abandoned t to say it I went inside the warehouse and I can make a few minutes later he told me to come in and follow him and then once we went inside we went into this room that was really dark .....

"I see you got the job done'' the mystery that the mystery person said

It was really dark and I really going to see if that's what they say who this person was and who hired me for him.

"Yep just like you asked ... now where is she" i said

He started to laugh. . I was looking like nigga anti nothing funny about that.

Y'all probably wondering who I'm talking about, I am talking about my three-year-old daughter. They have her and I had to do this to get her back . They got her because of her cracked head of a mother let them take her. For her to get drugs .

She's over there " the mystery man pointed to a corner

I looked over the corner but when I looked back over to the mystery man to say so something but I got punched and then it all went black form there......

Trin Pov

I couldn't think straight somebody was at the bedroom door and the window .

I started to shake when the tall figure started to walk towards me and Ken.

Ken grabbed my hand ran us to the bathroom were alcohol and hot water was we had to set it up fast so we locked the door and put the buck on top of the door were we was standing and waiting for them to bust in.

As soon as they bust in the hot water was spilled on both of them and that's when me and Ken sprayed the alcohol on them .

They were to focused on screaming and crying they didn't notice that me and Ken was running down the hall and out the house we didn't know where we were going but we ran we were inches away from the house untill I heard a gunshot go off and ....

Meanwhile we have a commercial break 😂😂😂 *I play to much*

But anyways on to the story I bet I got all yall mad 😂😂. But frfr

Beyounce Pov

I couldn't move or anything. My body felt weird I could not see either since the room was dark but I could hear small sniffing , but couldn't figure out who's.

Beyounce - umm excuse who's there

Little boy- ummm I'm sorry my name is Travoius (Tray-v*es-) and this is my little sister Tiffany

They seemed so close to me but yet so far

Beyounce - were are you

Tiffany - I don't know miss

Beyounce - keep talking until I get to you

Travoius -ok

They talked for about a good 2 mins till I reached them

20mins later

In those 20 mins I learned a lot about them .

I learned that Travoius is 6 years old and is Jay son welp I'm not shocked that's one of the reasons broke up with him.

But what doesn't make sense is why did he kidnap his son and what was really sad was that they had to watch their own mom get shot and killed in front their own eyes.

They both have the same mom but different dad and Taylor is 4 years old. Taylor dad so happened Chris speaking of where is he ?

As I was in deep though a door opened and a person slung to people into the room making them land on their backs and hit their head . I told Taylor and Travoius to pretend like they were sleep and they did as soon as the door closed I rushed over to the bodies they through in I couldn't belive my eyes .

They started to water as I silently cried to myself .

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