Chapter 16

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~ everyone pov~

We were al listing to everyone idea on how to get the twins and Bey back but everyone kept trying to talk over everyone else .

" Okay everyone Stop we cant keep arguing , like this " Drake had said

" Yeah we need and agreement " bird man had said

" how about the Princton, Ray Ray, Nicki, and Drake go find the Bey and the twins " lil Wayne had said

" the rest of the crew follow me to the find that pussy ass nigga "  Shawn  * Jay-Z  real name *" lil Wayne said

we all was ready to get this over with .

~Twins pov~

the two men were walking closer and closer to us and we were getting scared a little but we believe that we will get rescued.

" what's wrong little girl , why aren't you talking " one of the men said to me

" maybe because you knuckle heads wont understand the words that are coming out of our mouths " I had said to him

" are you trying to call my brother slow " the other men had butted in

" maybe we are maybe aren't , it just depend on how you take it " trin had said to him

we were trying to make small talk just like aunt Nicki had taught us if we were ever in a situation like this . and I guess its working

Then one of the men had grabbed me by my neck

" let her go " I heard trin yell atone of the men

" and what are you going to do about it " he said to her

" she anti going to do nothing but I will" I heard some one say

it was my baby  RAQUAN * Ray Ray real name *

we all had turned around and saw it was him and Princeton

" you better put her down " he heard Princeton say while playing with his gun

" and if I don't " the men had  said

" you really pushing his buttons here" we heard Princeton  say 

" what the little pip squeak going to do about it " the other man had question

" I tired to warn you " Princeton said to both of them

it all had flashed before my eyes all I know is that I was on the ground and some how Ray Ray was on top of the other man pounding his head to the ground . the other men tried to jump in and save his brother , but that was a bad idea  because Princeton had grabbed him and threw him to the ground and started to beat him up .

I saw Trin over there laughing . it was kind of funny that two teenagers can beat up a grown man. I had got up and walked over to where Trin was at and she had stopped laughing and embraced me with a BIG HUG !!

"oh my God ,Trin did they hurt you "I said while we was still hugging

" no but did he hurt you " she asked her

" its only a little " I said to her

" Oh My God , Kennedy your neck is swollen , and its turning purple and red " she screamed out loud

that made Ray Ray even more mad he was nearly killing the man

I had rushed over there to get him off of the man but nothing was working, so I had to bring out the big guns ... I looked over there to Trin doing the same thing. we both had winked at each other and knew what to do ... we were both bring out the big guns .... * sappy  love stuff * 

" Ray please get off of him" I had pleaded

" why should I let this man live after what he did to you " Ray had said

"please it's not worth, you are going to go to jail for murder and then I wont be able to see you , for a long time " I had said to him

but he kept on going . I could see the man eyes rolling to the back of his head . dang bae was doing a good job

come on Kennedy back to reality

" please Ray look me in my eyes " I had said pretending to start crying

yeah I knew it was about to start working , because he had stopped once he had heard my voice cracking . he had stood up and walked over to me and hugged me . we were hugging for so long we didn't even realized that my mom was right there clapping her hands . we  turned around and saw that she was holding a gun to Trin head and I looked to see where Princeton was , he was on the ground knocked out with blood coming from the back of his head

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cliff hanger ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Good night America I love you

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