The Disease in the sea - Part 4

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"Agreed," mentioned Sheldon. He wandered into the office and sat down. He stretched out is arms and his fingers pressed the glowing power button on the computer. "Seabola," Sheldon muttered as he typed the word. "A rare disease only found in the ocean," He clicked on a link that said, Seabola symptoms. "Interesting," remarked Sheldon. Some symptoms are, unusually grumpy, fear of cream cheese, and a craving to lick walls. Very interesting!" Sheldon said. "I'll have to test my theory, and there is only one way to find out!"

"Hey Larry," Sheldon spoke. He walked into the kitchen, where Larry was eating... "Peanut butter?" Sheldon asked, confused. "You don't even like peanut butter!"

"Well, I was craving it!" Larry argued.

"Doesn't this wall look much more delicious?" Sheldon questioned.

"No, why?" Larry asked.

"Oh, never mind," sighed Sheldon. "I guess my theory was wrong. But he did have the first two symptoms... Let me check that site again," Sheldon strolled into the office again, and luckily, the page was still open. "Unusual grumpiness, fear of cream cheese, and a craving to lick walls. Nothing else. I mean, what else could it be?" wailed Sheldon. "Wait a minute!" he exclaimed. "A craving to lick the wall or a craving for PEANUT BUTTER?!!? I can't let anyone go near Larry. What am I going to do? What am I going to do?" Sheldon's face was dripping with sweat and he was shaking his head.

"Sheldon," Albert called out. "Where are you?"

"X-out the page! X-out the page!" Sheldon cried.

CLICK. The page disappeared right as Albert walked in.

"Where were you?" Albert asked. "Larry and I are playing a game. Want to join?"

"Sure," answered Sheldon. "But first, I need to tell you something."

"OK," Albert said, confused.

"I think," started Sheldon, "that Larry has Seabola."

"No! No! This can't be right! Albert's heart was racing. His green eyes were popping out and his mouth was hanging open. Albert was getting weaker by the second. "You can't let him go near anyone."

"I know," Sheldon sighed, his voice shaky. "I'll put him to bed. Tomorrow we will take him to the doctors'."

"Go!" cried Albert, tears rolling down his cheeks. Albert threw his face into his sweaty hands and sat in the corner, crying.

"Larry, I'm tired," pretended Sheldon. "Aren't you?"

"No," answered Larry.

"Let's go to bed!" Sheldon exclaimed.

"Why would I want to go to bed?" asked Larry.

"Because you're tired," Sheldon sighed.

"But," started Larry. "First will you play a game with me?"

"No," answered Sheldon. He tried to sound stern, but tears were coming out his eyes. "Hold them back, hold them back," thought Sheldon.

'What's wrong?" questioned Larry.

"Uh, uh," Sheldon's mind went blank. "Uh, our Great Aunt Marge died," Sheldon lied.

"We had an Aunt Marge? I thought we had a Great Aunt Barbara."

"Oh, Larry, Let's just go to bed," sighed Sheldon, annoyed.

Soon enough, Sheldon and Albert didn't see anymore symptoms of Seabola. When Albert took out a large peanut butter container, Larry didn't budge. Sheldon put a big glob of cream cheese on his bagel, and Larry didn't do a thing. Within a couple of days, Sheldon and Albert forgot about Seabola.

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