The Disease in the Sea - Part 6

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When they pulled into the driveway, Amelia suddenly shouted, "It's a banana! A luxury BANANA!"

"That's home," Larry replied. "We have a special guest room with a prodigious supply of milkshakes!"

"Oh, yum!" Lulu exclaimed.

Beep. Sheldon locked the beeper and guided the girls to the door. "Right this way ladies. Turn right, and then go straight. Open the door on the left, then there's the guest room. Enjoy your stay," Sheldon remarked.

Amelia and Lulu waddled into the guest room, which was incredibly fancy. Toward the right, there was an elegant glass table with a nice bowl of fruit in the center. There was a large king size bed in the corner, with a white canopy above it. On the ceiling, there was a beautiful chandelier that had the most gorgeous crystals on it. On the far wall, there was a 60 inch flat screen TV. The room sparkled like sunshine.

"Wow, look it this!" Amelia brushed her hand over the glass table and took a freshly picked green apple out of the bowl.

"A flat screen TV! This place is awesome!" Lulu hollered.

"Mia, Lulu, time for dinner. Oh, Amelia, can I call you Mia? Larry asked as he burst into the guest room.

"No, I'm sorry. I prefer Amelia," she replied. "Well, what's for dinner?" she asked.

"Sea snail fries and chicken wings," Larry replied.

"Yum, chicken wings!" Lulu exclaimed. But what exactly are sea snail fries?"

"The same thing as French fries."

"Oh, yum!"

"Well then," Larry stated. "Let's go ladies."

The girls followed him into the kitchen, which had the scent of coffee and popcorn. Albert sat on a wooden stool with a coffee cup in one hand and a bowl of popcorn in the other. Albert turned toward the girls. Suddenly, "Ahh!" Albert screamed. "Humans!"

"Oh, sorry, I must have forgotten to introduce you to Albert," Larry apologized.

Lulu asked "you think?" sarcastically.

Larry completely ignored her and turned to Amelia. "So honey, want to make the fries with me?"

"Sure," agreed Amelia.

They walked over to the freezer, got out the frozen fires, and headed over to the oven.

"Come closer!" Larry held Amelia's hand, and yanked her closer.

"Ok, honey."

Amelia turned toward Larry. Their faces came closer together. Amelia's lips puckered up. Their heads inched closer, and closer, and closer. Suddenly, Albert and Sheldon turned their heads in Amelia and Larry's direction. A light bulb suddenly switched on in their brains. "Seabola!!!" they thought. Sheldon's heart was racing. He tried to yell, but nothing would come out.

"No!" Albert screamed, as he did a superman dive, with his hands reached out to Larry. "Don't do it!" he gasped. "Larry, no! Please."

It was too late. Amelia and Larry's lips pressed together.

Sheldon felled to the ground and crinkled up into a small ball. "Oh, why?" Sheldon cried. "Why?" "Larry, it was good knowing you. I just hate to say good bye."

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