chapter 1

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I parked my car into the garage and got out. I opened the back door and grabbed my backpack and my math, science, and english books and shut the door. I locked the car and went inside. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle and ran up stairs.
I got upstairs and put my books and backpack on my desk. I sat on my bed and looked out of my window. It was foggy like it always was in the this stupid town, but my backyard has woods behide it and I love it, that's where I use to play when I was a kid.
I kept looking outside until my phone rang bringing me back from my thoughts. It was my dad.
"Hello?" He ask.
"What do you want?" I said rudely
"I just wanted to tell you that *hiccups* that I won't be coming home until later" he slurred.
I rolled my eyes 'Oh great he's getting fucking drunk now' I thought.
"Yeah okay whatever I don't care. It's not like your ever fucking home anymore, not since mom left your sorry ass!" I yelled at him.
All he did was sigh "look little*hiccups*girl I know it's hard on you, it's hard on me fucking too okay? Look I know you miss your mom just *sighs* just try to work with me" he said taking another swing of his drink.
"Yeah well what happened to that promise you made me? HUH?!? HUH?!?! WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED TO IT?!?!?!" I said with tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't take it he promised and he broke it so many times. He grabbed it out of my hands and throw it on the floor and crushed it.
"Sweetie I'm trying" he said sadly.
I got mad, I was seething,
"well fucking try harder " I said in a deep and strong sounding voice.
I hung up after that and looked back at my phone. I stared at it for a good 30 seconds, finally I chucked at the wall and watched it shatter on the floor.

I went back to looking back at the window and laid down while never taking my eyes off of my backyard. Slowly my eyes began to close as I began to become sleepy. I closed my eyes and fell into the darkness.

~1 hour later~

It was about 8'o clock when I woke up. I went downstairs to get something to eat. I reached the kitchen and digged through the fridge and saw that we had absolutely nothing in there. I decided to just order a pizza. I dialed the number and waited.
"Hello? " someone asked.
"Oh hey yeah I would like a small cheese pizza ordered to 3785 Livia Lane please ." I said, trying to figure out if this person was a girl or guy.
"Nope Sorry but we are out of cheese"'s a guy....
"Um what? How could you be out of cheese? Your a pizza place! " I asked like that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard which it was!!

I'm just joking!"he said laughing at he's own joke Which wasn't funny. After he laughed for like 5 minutes, we stayed quite.

"Okay.....anyways one small pizza right?" He said cutting the peaceful (awkward) moment of silence.
"Yeah" I said bored.
"Would you like anything else?" He asked
"Yeah I would like a 2 liter bottle of root beer " I said
"Okay so a total of 14.89 and it should be ready in 15 to 20 minutes." He said
"Okay thanks" I said happily to get off the phone with this humorless loser.
"Oh and by the way that joke earlier wasn't funny.........okay baii!" I said not caring if it broke he's ego.

~ 20 minutes later ~

I heard the Door bell ring so I got up and opened the door. IT WAS THE PIZZA!!!! Thank lord I was sooo hungry!
"That will be 14.89" he said. 'Ohhhh He isn't bad looking' I thought giving him the money and then taking the drink and pizza with me.
"Okay I just need you to sign here"
"Mkay" I signed where he told me to then he took it and wrote something onto it. He gave it back to me and I saw he put his name and number.
"Uhhhhh..... no thanks honey I don't keep receipts" I said taking the receipt and crumbling it up and throwing it at him. "Baiiii!" I said closing the door.
I sat down in the living room and started to eat and watch American Horror Story.

After awhile, half the pizza was gone and I start to get tired again and so i went to sleep on the couch.

~ 3 am ~

I woke up slightly to hear the door open. It was my dad and I heard him sobbing and mumbling something about my mom. I chose to ignore him and ask him later when he's sober....well almost sober.
'I wonder what happened ' and with that finally thought, I fell back to sleep.

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