(short) author's note

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Okay so I know that in chapter 7 that I said that I might make this story short but honestly I'm not really sure because I know how I want to end it but I'm still working  out for everything that's in between so just bare with me for a little.

Also again, I wanted to say that Im sorry for not posting all the time. It's because usually I have homework, projects, or I'll forget for awhile so updating will be slow and I know that I don't have a lot of readers on this story so hopefully the few that are reading with forgive me for being slow.
Also if you were waiting on me to update or post in the summer, I couldn't really do that cause I'm in Africa rn and at my aunts house they don't have WiFi at the moment and I couldn't really do anything about it so sorry for the wait.

So I think that's pretty much it, I'll try to update more but no promises and if anyone has questions, request, or anything then just ask and I will answer it the best I can.😊

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