chapter 8

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'OMG I can't wait until Connor see this dress, he'll love it!' I thought smiling at the dress in the bag, I also bought a couple of other things so I wouldn't have to use all of Connors stuff. I bought a few bags of clothes, some perfume, underwear with matching bras, and some shoes. Somehow I still have some money left over from what Connor gave me, hopefully we can go to the mall together and hang like he said.

~15 minutes later~

I got home a little later because I stopped to get some ice cream for Connor and I at Tony's so we could snack a little before leaving.

I stepped outside of the car and grabbed all the bags and put them around my arms then (struggled) tried to grab ice cream cups when I finally got them, went inside the house after locking the car.

"I GOT ICE CREAM!!" I screamed (get it😉.......okay I'll stop.)
Suddenly all I heard was like a herd of elephants come running down the stairs.

suddenly saw Connors head pop out
And then so did another guy.

"Uhhh....hi? Who are you?"I said looking at the boy my age maybe a year older.

"Hmm so you're the one who Connor calls hot.....he's not wrong either." He said mumbling the last part but I still heard what he had said.

"Wait what?!" I almost yelled

"Eric! that's not what I said." Connor yells quickly after I talked.
So he's name is I wonder who he is.

"Well you said something like that", he said to Connor then he looks at me "honestly he wouldn't stop talking about you, and trust me after a couple of hours.... it gets annoying but you seem cool so you know it's not that bad" he's says while taking one of the ice creams and started to eat it until I yelled at him "HEY DUDE THAT'S MINE!! Nooooo you already eat most of it" I whined. He looked at me then brushed out laughing,"your right....all she cares about food!" He said talking to Connor while trying to control his laughter to breath.
I pouted and mumbled "I don't only care about's just one of the most important things in my life that's all" after I said that Eric lost control and ended up on the floor while Connor was leaning against the door frame to keep himself steady because he  was trying not to laugh so hard.

"Guys I don't!!"

JumpedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ