Chapter 2: We meet again...

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Chapter 2: We meet again...

"I used to think that we were better alone, why did I ever want to let you go?" Rock me by One Direction

Lexie's POV



"GET YOUR FATTY ARSE UP NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" The voice yelled impatiently, pushing me off the bed. Evil child, did your mother teach you any manners?

"Ugh I'm up," I groaned.

"Good. Mum wants you downstairs for breakfast," Aaron smirked.

Yeah, so Aaron's off to college today and still hasn't packed, and mum wants a "family breakfast". Say what? But that is my mum. I probably got my weirdness from her.

I dragged myself into my shower, then walked into my walk-in wardrobe. Hmm, what to wear.

I picked out a denim shirt and skinny jeans with Doc Martens, then put on my glasses because I couldn't be bothered to put in my contact lenses. (A/N Lexie's outfit on the side ---->)

As I walk downstairs, I heard my mum singing to One Direction, and Dad and Aaron deep in conversation. What kind of mother sings One Direction while cooking breakfast? My mum of course! Don't judge.

"Morning mummy, morning daddy," I said, giving them a kiss.

"Morning dickhead," I said, hitting him on the head.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" he yelled, rubbing his head.

"For waking me up," I replied. "When's your flight?"

"Err, 12:15."

"Aw I just got back and now you're leaving me," I said, pouting.

"Yeah, but you left me first," he argued back. That made me feel really guilty as I couldn't come back, but I didn't show it. Guess what I did. You got it. I stuck my tongue out at him and blew a raspberry. And he blew one back.

"How old are you two again?" Dad asked, lowering his newspaper he had just picked up.

"THREE," we yelled in our baby voices, then high-fiving each other and cracking up while Dad was shaking his head.

"Kids. I swear they never change," Dad said grinning. But I just had to ruin the moment, you know?

"It's not very nice to swear Daddy," I replied in a lisp. Dad huffed and went back to his paper while Mum can in laughing and nearly dropping all the breakfast. Not good. I need my food, I'm a growing child.

After we had breakfast, we helped Aaron stuff his luggage into his car and hugged him goodbye (my brother's growing into a big boy now! *Sniff*). As I made my way back into the house I heard something that made me freeze in my tracks.

"Hey, Logan!"

Aha. We meet again!



Logan's POV

"Morning mum," I said, stifling a yawn.

"Morning sweetie," she said back, laying down the delicious breakfast. Eggs and bacon! *Drooling* Seriously. It's HEAVEN!

Then Mum walks back into the kitchen to get some Orange Juice, but suddenly freezed. "Oh my," she said softly.

"What?" I asked her, but not stopping shoveling food into my mouth, therefore spraying crumbs everywhere.

"Lexie..." she said. I freezed to and slowly walked into the kitchen.

And it was the same girl from yesterday. Today she was wearing a denim tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans, showing off her curves and slim legs.

"...she looks so beautiful. Not that she wasn't beautiful before, but she just looks nicer. And that hair looks lovely. It really suits her." Mum admired.

Mum's right. Lexie really is probably the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Although she was wearing her glasses, she still looked as pretty as a princess. And she was the bestest friend ever. Even though I always ditched her for the jocks and cheerleaders, she wouldn't just forget about me. She would always make time for me, even though I never made time for her. I could talk about anything to her, and we could just sit there for hours just talking and playing Mario Cart on the Wii. But with my other friends, I can't do that. I have to be the "cool" kid and pretend to be really "cool".

Then I had a idea. No, not just an idea. A statement. I want Lexie back. I NEED Lexie back. As a friend. a best friend, maybe even more...

"I'll be back in a minute Mum," I yelled, shutting the front door behind me. I had to do it now, or I'd just chicken out later. Just say hi like a normal friend, maybe even give her a hug. She couldn't push me away, Aaron didn't know what happened, and he would get suspicious if she did pushed me away.

Yeah! I'll just pretend to say bye to Aaron.

"Hey, Logan!" Aaron greeted me, spotting me walking down the driveway.

Lexie froze.

Mwahaha, we meet again.

Here goes nothing...


A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated in ages! I have so much homework and I'm so behind that its not even funny! Evil teachers. Yeah, don't kill me like Jessie did. Not cool.




Byee! X

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