Chapter 36

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I sit in silence on the jet, staring angrily out of the window while my blood boils inside me. Numerous clouds roll past but I'm not paying attention- all I can see is an image of Jessica in my head and my fist smashing into her face. How could somebody be so cold-hearted as to do that to someone?

"Becca, what are you thinking about?" Ryan asks across from me, breaking me out of my little fantasy.

I can't help but give him a small smile because really he is just a loveable rogue... somebody you can't help but love instantly.

My expression turns more serious as I reply,"Ry, what if Niall doesn't want me anymore?"

His fave softens and he disobeys all the rules of the jet and moves to crouch down in front of me. He takes hold of both my hands and looks deeply into my eyes. "Becca, aside from Cece, you are one of the most amazing girls I have ever met. He would be a fool not to want you."

His comment makes me smile and throw my arms around his neck. "Thanks Ry, love you."

He stand up and wobbles a bit a the jet hits a bit of turbulence but he regains his balance.

He ruffles my hair and winks. "Now you've just got to tell Niall that."

What does he mean by that? Tell Niall I... that I love him? Do I love him? I mean yes, I did dump Nathan for him. Yes, I called Ryan to take me to him and yes, I am flying to New York right now to win him back. I would never do that for just anyone. Niall is someone special, someone who makes me happier than anything on this planet. Of course I love Niall. I love him, I...

"Oh my God I love him," I say, eyes wide to Ryan.

He looks at me quizzically, slightly confused. "What? I thought you already knew?"

I shake my head, running a hand down my face and the other through my hair. "How on earth am I supposed to tell him? I can't just blurt it out!"

"I honestly thought you knew!" he exclaims, seemingly gobsmacked.

I hit him in the arm. "Don't just stand there like a lump, help me!"

He rubs his arm and glares at me. "No need for violence. Well I would-

He's cut off by the violent shaking of the plane, but this time he can't retain his balance and falls over to the left. If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation I would probably laugh.

Quickly, he pulls himself up off the ground and fastens his seatbelt. Moments later the oxygen masks drop down. I meet Ryan's eyes only to see that they are filled with the same panic as mine. Carefully,I place the oxygen mask over my head and face securely.

Out of the window I can see the white clouds flying past faster and faster until there are no more and all I see is the vast ocean beneath us.

My breathing accelerates and my heart beats so frantically in my chest that I think it might burst through my ribcage. Somehow, I cannot avert my gaze from the inevitable descent into the murky water.

Closer and closer the jet comes to the water, only a few more seconds now.

Out of the other window I see smoke, the engine must have failed. This is is. The end. Ryan's hands enclose mine again, making me feel safer but deep down I know he's terrified and only remaining calm for my sake.

He impact of the jet into the water is enough to separate us, filling the jet up with water instantly. Tearing the oxygen mask off of me, I attempt to open my eyes against the water and search for Ryan.

Relief washes over me when I see him kicking his way towards the surface. I see him reach the top and gasp in air. Almost immediately he return under the water to search for me and when he sees me his expression floods with an overwhelming amount of emotions.

I stretch out my hand for him to take but I am suddenly pushed downwards by something extremely heavy. I desperately try to remove the object from me, but it is hopeless, I'm trapped.

My lungs feel as is they are on fire from lack of oxygen, about to explode and my vision starts to fade as my head spins.

Further, further and further down I go,unable to do anything about it. I can see Ryan trying to reach me but surely he must realise that it is hopeless.

Niall's face enters my mind as I think about all the things I had set out to do today; the futureI could have had with Niall, to tell him I love him but instead God has decided that it is my turn to die.

That is the last thing I think about before the last oxygen bubble leaves my mouth and I black out.


SORRY EVERYONE DON'T HATE ME!!! You have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter, I'm so sorry about ending it here, i truly am.

And by the way, I wrote this on paper while on my holiday in Greece ready to upload when I came home. I hope you are proud of me.


Or is it the end????

love you all xoxo

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