Chapter 14

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I should have guessed that me winning the One Direction contest wouldn't stay a secret for long. Zoe couldn't hold it in any longer and ended up shouting in the middle of the canteen, "I'M GOING TO MEET ONE DIRECTION BECAUSE REBECCA WON A CONTEST!"

After that little outburst, she definitely wasn't in our good books because a group of girls instantly swarmed our table saying things like, "Oh my god, can you get me an autograph?" and "Please take me!"

I also heard some means things like, "You bitch! You don't even deserve to meet them!" or "You're such a little slut."

The one comment that really got me though, was the one from Jessica. She had pushed her way through the crowd and got all up in my face. "You shouldn't have won that contest you ugly piece of shit. I bet you think that they will actually like you and enjoy your company. I bet you're even hoping that one of them will fall in love with you. Well you can think again because they are way too good for you." 

The crowd had fallen silent, no one willing to stand up to Jessica for me. She was just about to walk away with that satisfied smirk on her face when Eilidh stood up and pushed her against the wall. "Don't speak to Rebecca like that again, Jessica."

Surprise flashed across Jessica's face, but then was replaced by her famous smirk. "Why, what you going to do about it?"

"You want to find out?" Eilidh growled.

Jessica just pushed Eilidh back slightly and started to walk away, but Eilidh wasn't having any of that. She grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to give her a slap across her face. Then she whispered something in her ear that only I was close enough to hear.

"Now you know how it feels to be slapped, so don't you ever lay a finger on my best friend again or I swear you'll regret it."

"No, you're going to regret ever messing with me. And it won't just be you I'll take it out on," she said through gritted teeth and then glanced at me. Eilidh then let Jessica walk away.

So now we were in the toilets because Eilidh had dragged me there after I had frozen with shock in the canteen. Zoe and Natasha had followed us just to get away from all the screaming girls. It's like we have suddenly become famous throughout the school.

Eilidh paced back and forth, tears streaming down her face. "Becca, I'm so sorry. I've just made things worse for you. I didn't mean to, I swear. I was just trying to stand up for you since nobody else was."

I wrap my arms around her. "Eilidh, stop apologising. There is nothing to forgive you for. I really appreciate you standing up for me and in no way have you made it worse for me. I just need to learn to stand up for myself more."

She sobs into my shoulder while Zoe and Natasha agree with me. I rub her shoulder to try and calm her down.

"Rebecca?" I hear someone call from outside the toilets. Eilidh lifts her head and raises her eyebrows at me.

"Who's that?" I reply.

The voice hesitates before replying with, "Nathan."

The girls give me a quizzical look, but I'm honestly as confused as they are. Eilidh lets go of me and I make my way out of the toilets. "Um, hi."

He gives me a weak smile and motions for me to follow him. Before I begin to follow him I shout back at Eilidh, "Eilz, I'll meet you outside after school."

I don't hear her reply but I'm guessing it's something like 'okay'.

I fall into step beside Nathan and we walk in silence. I don't know where he is taking me or even why he is taking me anywhere but I don't question it. I glance at him through my lashes and see that his mind is somewhere else just by looking into his eyes. They are completely spaced out like he has forgotten that I am even here.

When we are outside, he suddenly snaps back to reality and remembers that I'm with him. He stops walking, so I lean against the wall beside him. He slides dows the wall to sit down, so I do the same.

"So you're probably wondering why I dragged you out here." He looks at me and I nod, urging him to continue. "Well it's about what happened today in the canteen..." he trails off.

I sigh and look down at my feet. "If you're going to say that Jessica didn't mean what she said or stick up for her, I'll save you the bother and leave now."

I start to rise to my feet when Nathan grabs hold of my hand. "Please don't go." I don't know what it is that makes me stay, but I sit back down beside him.


"Look Rebecca, I'm not even going to try and defend Jessica's actions, because honestly, she acted like a bitch and I can't justify that. She had no reason to say those things to you or Eilidh and I'm sorry."

I huff beside him. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

He surprises me by grabbing hold of my hands. "But I do! If I had just said something to her. She's my girlfriend... well maybe not for much longer."

My eyes dart from our interlocked hands to his face. "What?"

"I don't know if I want to be with someone who treats people like that. I want to be with someone who is smart, kind, funny, loveable..."

I was now very aware of how close he was to me. My eyes drop to his full lips, now mere inches from mine. It only took him a second to close the gap between us and plant his lips on mine. At first I was shocked, but then I start to respond to the kiss, moving my lips with his. I wrap my arms around his neck whilst his hands explore my waist. My fingers now glide through his silky smooth hair and my lips part to allow him entrance. 

I was just getting into the kiss when he pulls away, breathless. "I want to be with someone like you."

I am so shocked by his words that I just stand there, staring at him with wide eyes but still holding his hands. Nathan West want to be with me.

"What the hell is going on here?" It was the voice of my nightmares, the voice that sent shivers down my spine. It was Jessica's voice.


So guys, please don't be mad at me. Just because I wrote that Nathan and Rebecca kissed, that doesn't mean they are going to get together. Coz I know that you are probably expecting her to end up with someone in One Direction. I guess you guys are just going to have to be surprised. Mwahahahah xoxox

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