Hang out

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"So what do you guys want to do?" Hunter asked as he leaned back so he was right beside me. "Ill put on a movie" I said as I stood up to grab the remote from the table. I sat back down beside Hunter. "What movie?" I asked as I got onto Netflix. "Doesn't matter to me" Hunter shrugged. "Okay. Paper towns it is" I told them as I clicked on paper towns. "What's paper towns?" Blake asked. "You have never heard of paper towns!" I said surprised. "Nope" Blake replied. "Oh my gosh" I played the movie. I looked over at Brandon and Kayla on the other couch, and it didn't look good. They were so awkward. "Brandon, are you excited to go on tour?" I asked him. "Yeah totally.. I can't wait to meet everyone" He exclaimed.

About 30 minutes into the movie Hunter put his arm around me. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "What does it look like? I'm putting my arm around a pretty girl and watching a movie. What are you doing?" Hunter asked with a smirk. "Shut up and watch the movie" I laughed. I snuggled up to him a little bit and then continued to watch the movie. "Why am I the one always left out?" Blake asked as he looked at me and Hunter then Brandon and Kayla. "Bro what do you mean?" Hunter questioned. "You and Y/n are all cute and snuggling and Brandon and Kayla may not be a couple but they look like one" Blake cried. "We look like a couple? Were sitting here awkwardly and we don't even like each other" Brandon spoke up. "Still" Blake said as he sunk down in his seat beside Hunter. I looked over at Kayla who was just sitting there looking at her hands. She glanced up and she saw I was looking at her. "I will be right back" She said to Brandon. She stood up and ran up the stairs.I heard my bedroom door close.  "One second" I told Hunter. I ran up the stairs after her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I entered the room. "Nothing" She said as a tear fell onto her hand. "Tell me the truth" I said as I sat on the bed next to her. "Brandon doesn't like me and he never will. I don't know why I even try" Kayla confessed. "You don't know that" I told her. "Yes I do. Did you not hear what he said to Blake, he said were awkward and we don't like each" she starred at the ground. "Brandon told me just last week that he liked you" I blurted out. "You're kidding right?" She perked up a little bit. "I'm not kidding" I said. I left out the part where he said he has very little feelings for me and that he only liked her a little bit but oh well. "Now let's go back downstairs" I took her hair and pulled her up. We went back downstairs, I sat beside Hunter and Kayla went to the other couch to sit beside Brandon. 

Hunter kept smiling at me during the movie and I would just laugh and smile back.. it was really funny. When the movie was over we all pulled out our phones and sat there for about 5 minutes in silence until my mom walked into the living room. "You kids are always on your phones" My mom complained. "Hey Mrs. Y/l/n" Hunter yelled from the couch. "Hello Hunter" she laughed. "Okay I will leave you guys alone" My mom said as she waved. "Bye mom" I said over the couch. Then she went upstairs. 

After we hung out for a little bit i looked at the time. It was 12. "Guys shouldn't you head home?" I told them. "Why?" Hunter asked. "Because its 12. Aren't you supposed to be home at 12" I informed him. "Oh yeah, bro we better leave" He said to Brandon. Hunter, Brandon and Blake all stood up. I stood up to. "Thanks for having us" Blake said as he walked over and gave me a hug. "No problem, it was nice seeing you" I smiled. We both let go. "Thanks" Brandon touched Kayla's arm and then walked over to me and hugged me. I'm sure she didn't like that and I felt bad. "Give Kayla a hug" I whisper in Brandon's ear. "Fine" He said. He walked over to Kayla and gave her a hug. Her smiled was so big. "Is it my turn" Hunter asked with a cute smile. "Saved the best for last" I smiled and gave him  big hug. I kissed him on the cheek. "ill text you beautiful" Hunter told me as he closed the door behind him. 

That. Was. Awesome

Me and Kayla went upstairs and changed into our pajamas. While we were changing My phone went off. It was Hunter.

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