Chapter 23: Surprise!

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Okay only two more chapters tonight! Let's get this started!!!


Kelli's P.O.V

"Sooo" Me and Imani said in unison.

"Okay I'll tell you but you CAN NOT laugh"

"Sure" we said and waited for her to tell us of her night

"Okay, so last night my friend texted me and told me that this little bookstore like 30 minutes away from here was doing a midnight release of that book I have been waiting to come out"

"Yeah um, Eternal Darkness or something like that" Imani interjected

"Yeah what ever so she was like hurry because the line was starting to form and it was like 10:00. so thats when I left and my friend picked me up down the street from here"

"Hold on one sec, is this friend a boy?" I asked

"NO! now shut up and let me finish"

"Rude" I muttered under my breath as she continued on

"So we waited in line for like an hour but then she was like her boyfriend got back from military training or whatever and she asked me to get her a book to because he needed a ride from the airport. So I was like 'Okay' and she gave me her money and drove off. So then after another hour of waiting I finally got to the front of the line and was able to get both of our books"

She paused and looked at her phone. She smiled and quickly typed something and put it back

"Who was that?" Imani asked

"Not important now, so anyways apparently my friend gave me some extra money for like a cab or something but I still don't have a job so I thought it would be cheaper to take Marta and pocket the change"

"MARTA?!?! at 12 something in the morning" I said incredulously

"Yes so while on the way back here I decided to read the first chapter of my book and it was SOOOO good and I kinda got lost in my book and then when I finally looked up I was like 1/4 through with my book and I was like, I read that fast?. So I went up and asked the bus driver where we were and um... don't laugh at me"

"Where were you?' Me and Imani asked her

"Um, I was in Savannah"

Me and Imani looked at each other and I bit my lip to try not to laugh

"Go on" 

"So it was like 4 am when I realized this so I took a few buses trying to find my way back to Atlanta but I kept getting lost and then while I was at one bus stop in the middle of Georgia this really cool looking dude came up to the map I was looking at"

"Was he white?" Imani asked

"Yea and he had this sketch pad thing in his hand and I noticed some manga novels sticking out of his bag and he had like a pencil tucked behind his ear and I guess he noticed me looking at him because he looked at me and I looked back at the map and then I started getting frustrated and went to sit by a bench to clear my head because I couldn't read that dang map for nothing!"

"Oh Em Gee!!!! Nia ain't know how to do something" I said while trying not to laugh

"Shut up! so then the guy came over and he asked if I needed help and I was like 'yea I'm in the middle of no where and I need to get back to my cousin's house in atlanta' and he was like I'm on my way to Atlanta to visit some friends and he told me to stick with him so anyways we got on some bus and after an hour of talking and stuff I got tired and kinda dozed off and then later he was gently waking me up and I was leaning on his shoulder or whatever and then he payed for a cab to bring me here."

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