Chapter 34: A Day With The Guys

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Yay so Valentine's Girl comes out tomorrow and I'm super stoked!! haha Roc gonna kill me with his voice, even though I already heard it ont eh snippet! lol but I'm writing now because Britt is like asking me for it so yall can thank her!!! Oh and make sure you follow me on twitter @ATL_MrsLatimore, follow my girl group, Simply Unique, @Be_SimplyUnique, and follow my Simply Unique personal twitter @Simply_Cupcake lol oh and follow me on instragram @FfrenchFries4Cupcake


(I forgot what day it was sooo I think it was Saturday)

Saturday, January 17, 4:49

I walked into the nearby dance studio with Brittney close behind. I took a sip of my Jamba Juice (btw never had it, I believe its a California thing!) and smiled at the person working the front desk. We headed straight to the back and into the very last studio. This one was open to the public but it was 1st come 1st serve. We walked inside and I sighed in relief to see it was empty. I quickly flipped the sign on the door saying we were in session. I walked over to the boombox and put my CD in. I grabbed the small remote and tucked it intot he waistband of my sweats. I walked into the middle of the room where Brittney was already standing. I looked at us both in the mirror, we were wearing very similar outfits, there were only a few differences.(check the side for outfits) I started the music as I waited for the 10 second pause I added to all my tracks, it gave me time to get situated. I felt the music start as we did the steps. I moved on beat every time I heard Big Sean say "Ass" When we heard "Make that morther fucker hammertime" we started freestyling and acting stupid, mainly because we didn't have any choreography for that part. (The video on side is the choreography they did) When we were done we were a little out of breath, but not really. I took a sip of water and changed the song to Countdown by Beyonce (see comments for choreo) After we finished that song we went to the fron to get a snack from the vending machines. The machine took my dollar so while I waited for the owner to go fix it I flipped through the different magazine subscriptions in the lobby. Mostly celebrity garbage and rumors and.... well shit. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I should have known. Brittney walked over munching on some type of chips, I could really care less right now. She saw my face and then looked down at the magazine in my hands. I stared at it in disbelief. On the cover was a spread of Jacob Latimore and Justice Domingo. I swore she went out with Roc Royal but okay. The things is, its not like they were just out for lunch or something as friends... no. They were on the beach, playing in the sand, the water, having a picnic on the beach and best of all, making out in almost every picture. I set the magazine down and quickly went back into the studio, going to the last track on the CD... Marvin's Room, Jojo's version. I let the lyrics flow through my body as I freestyled the dance. Committing each move I made to memory for future references. I finally finished and noticed Brittney was gone ands o was her bag. I guess she was back at the loft. What I did find was a figure standing in the doorway. Of course, Jacob. Always him. He tried speaking to me but I just brushed him off. I watched as he walked over to the stereo and hit playback. He walked into the middle of the room as the song started over. I did the exact same moves from before and watched through my peripheral vision. It was amazing he he did the moves with me,a fter only watching me once. (See comments for video) After I finished the song I quickly grabbed by bag from the floor and ran out the studio. I couldn't deal with this just yet. I ran to the loft and got there within 3 minutes.

"What are you breathing so hard for?" asked Brittney while she muted the T.V.

"What the hell you leave me for?!?!" I asked her slightly bewildered

"I thought it was a personal problem... Oreo?" She said while lifting up a box of oreos and smiling innocently at me

"Bitch you know damn well I don't like oreos!"

Story of My Life: A Jacob Latimore Love Story -Editing-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ