Chapter 32: We Need To Talk

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OMFG GUYS GUESS WHAT HAPPENED THIS WEEKEND?!?!? Okay so I know I promised I would post every Saturday but yesterday I had to get my hair done and then my friend from church came over. Her name is Shannon and like the past two weeks we have been working on starting a girl group called Simply Unique. My nickname is Cupcake and hers is Bubbles, right now its just the two of us but we are looking for two more girls. ANYWAYS.... we were working on a cover of Mrs. Right called Mr. Right and stuff and I was raping (for the first time) and it wasn't that bad. And if you live in Atlanta and are definetely mindless, you know that MB was gonna be in Atlanta today and they were doing a CD signing at some CD store in riverdale. Well I went through like my whole list of people that can drive that could possibly take us to the signing but everyone was busy but yesterday on BOTH 11:11 we wished that we would meet Mindless Behavior on sunday (today) and then this morning when we went to church we asked Bubbles cousing/ guardian if she could take us and surprisingly she said yes. So then we were like we should go like Simply Unique so we were both wearing skinnies, black uggs, a cami (hers was purple and mine was blue) with a white v neck over it and then yesterday we cut up some jean jackets and put Simply Unique on the back and so we got to the CD signing at like 2: 15 even tho it started at 2:00 and we waited in line for like 2 and a half hours. While we were waiting in line we sang our version of Mrs. Right and people were liking it and stuff but anyways... to the good part of my day. Finally after waiting in line we got to the door of the CD store and I was like all giddy and stuff and Bubbles was calm. So I expect them to be like in the back of the store (this was my first ever Cd signing btw... lame right? ) so I was gonna be all giddy and then calm down once we got closer to the back but I walk in and look to my left and them sexy negroes just there and then I saw Roc and Prince and I was like DAYUMMM! and I started gettting even giddier (if that is even a word) and stuff so we finally made it around to the table and I was like HOLY CRAP I'm ABOUT TO MEET MINDLESS FRIGGIN BEHAVIOR!!! So Ray Ray was just like Hey, he was looking mad tired and we were kinda at the end of the day and then Prodigy said Hi and he said he liked my glasses (I was rocking my mustache glasses kinda like the one's Princeton has) and I smiled and said thanks and then I got to Roc. THAT NEGRO FINE AS HELL!!! That is my.... oo damn so he was like Hey What's Up. and I was just like O.O :D hey and then HE GAVE ME A HUG AND THAT NEGROE WAS LIKE.... lt me calm down so then I was all ^__^ cheesin and stuff and this mean whtie dude was like " No Hugs" so my friend Lola who I had like first met in real life like two hours ago but we talked on twitter and stuff was like -____- cause she didn't get to hug Roc. Then Princeton... LAWD JESUS HELP ME TOO! It was back to abck sexy and Princeton said hi and then he said he liked my smile and He shook my hand and that blexican negroe was all gentle and like damn. But REAL TALK! Prod and Prince got some SOFT HANDS!! haha so yeah and apparently I started "crying" but not really it was just like tears were falilng and I aint even notice it til Bubbles pointed it out. But apparently Prodigy and Princeton told Bubbles they liked her dimples.... lucky nigga. I want some dimples, I can fake them but naturally I dont have any. So after we left we went to the back to see them leave and stuff and how bout the mean white dude from before was driving the van and he like backed it up closer to the door so we couldn't see them so people was climbing on the garbage bin and some random dudes escalade so they could see them.... All in all I had an amazing time!!!!!! OKay now that I wasted all your time reading this I'm  gonna continue!


"Why are you here?" I asked while crossing my arms. I watched as he got up from the steps in front of my house.

"I needed to talk to you and you weren't answering my calls or texts" He said 

"Well someone obviously can't take a hint" I pushed past Jacob and stuck the key in the door. I unlocked it and walked inside, about to close the door on Jacob when he slid inside through the crack of the door. I sucked on my teeth and opened the door and stood by it. Waiting for him to take the hint and leave. Clearly... he wasn't invited. 

"Kelli, just let me talk to you"

"About what Jacob. We aren't having any more meetings about the movie until we go back to Los Angeles so I have no other reason to talk to you" I said as I began to take off my pumps.

"We need to talk about what happened on New Year's eve and why you just shut me off"

"What happened on New Year's Jacob?"

"That kiss."

"What about it. People kiss other people on new year's ALL the time. You just happened to be right there. That's it. Now if you excuse me I have better things to do"

"Like what. Hang out with your new boyfriend" A look of confusion passed over my face and then it clicked. He was jealous about Princeton. Ha! I smirked and started talking

"And if I am... that is none of your business"

"Come on Kelli. I know you still have feelings for me. I felt it that time we went ice skating"

"Oh please I was ICE SKATING!! That's is something I love to do. Hell I could be doing it with the Grim Reaper and still have fun. It meant nothing" I realized my voice was getting louder as I talked. I shivered a little as a small breeze swept its away inside the open door and into the room. He looked at me intently. His dark brown eyes boaring into my mine. I shifted uncomfortably to my other foot"

"You're lying" He said with a smirk growing on his face. Excuse me? Umm... no

"And how would you know" I said, putting my hand on my hip.

" Because you just shifted your weight to your other foot. and you are biting your lip and you only do that when you are lying or you're turned on" I quickly stopped biting my lip, unaware to the fact I was biting it. I felt something stirring in my chest and I had no idea what it meant. I looked down at the watch on my arm and looked back up at Jacob

"Okay are you done now? Because like I said before... I have BETTER things to do" As if on que I heard my phone ringing inside my clutch. I quickly opened it and dug around until I pulled out the transparent phone. It was Princeton. Man this dude sure can read my mind. I smiled and bit my lip (on purpose) and looked turned around and started walking away. I was about to answer the phone when I felt someone pull me around. Before I could even say a word I felt Jacob's lips crash into mine. I tried so hard not to kiss back and I put my hands on his chest, ready to push him off of me. But as my palms rested against his body, I realized they weren't pushing him off. No matter how much my mind willed my  body to push him off and slap him my heart said otherwise. I felt my lips slowly starting to move in synch with his as he put his arms on my waist. I noticed my hands were being moved from his chest and wrapped around his neck. As we were kissing I felt Jacob gently tug on my bottom lip. My lips parted as he slid his tongue into my mouth. Why was I doing this? Why couldn't I stop. Now while this felt like eternity I realized it had only been about a minute. I finally gained control of my body and pushed Jacob roughly off of me. I could tell he was surprised. I didn't know what my face looked like. I guess my mind hadn't fully registered what had happened because a million different feelings and emotions pumped in and out of my brain. After getting over the initial shock of the kiss I saw Jacob smirk. Smirk?

"Now tell me that meant NOTHING to you"  Okay you are asking a natural-born actress to lie? Alrighty then. I went into the characted of Re'Nee. She was a character I had played in a direct-to-dvd movie. She was condident, sexy, intelligent, and a master liar. I stood squarely on both of my feet and looked Jacob in the eye

"That meant NOTHING to me" 

"alrighty then" I walked towards the door and he followed behind me. I opened the door and motioned for him to lead. 

"Alright bye" i said while I opened the door wider

"Okay bye Kelli. See you in New York. I am looking forward to working with you. I even studied up on some of your past work."

He leaned in closer to my ear

"Good Job.... Re'Nee"

With that he turned around and walked off

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