Forgive Me.

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Why couldn't I do right?

Why couldn't I just love?

Am I too weak? Or I just don't know how to love?

You was the best thing that ever happen to me.

I loved you.

You make me happy.

Words can't even describe how much love I have for you.

But I messed up.

It hasn't been the same since we not together.

All you ever did was love me.

But I couldn't do that.

I don't see why you'd put up with me.

I was nothing but a mess.

You didn't ask for much.

Just for someone to be there for you,

to love you.

to hold you,

so it wouldn't seem you was alone.

I hate myself.

I'm no good.

Honestly I think this is better for the both of us.

You don't have to worry about me no more.

You don't have worry about crying no more because of me.

I will always cherish our memories.

And I will always love you.

"Dear, Lucifer"Where stories live. Discover now