Chapter 1: The Shadow Tome

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Two years later . . .

"Milord, you have serfs requesting your audience," Charles, the head butler, informed as he walked into the main hall of the house. 

There sat Idos in his chair with Knight-Commander Kelin to his right and Head Priest Miller to his left. They were all discussing public affairs that resulted in a number of mounts they will have this year.

"Why was I not informed of such an appointment?" The nineteen-year-old Lord glanced up with glasses low on the bridge of his nose. Kelin and Miller ceased their talking.

"It is a sudden visit from the serfs out in the fields. They request the permission to marry from the Lord of the house." Charles added.

"Bring them in then." Great, more time placed on top of his shoulders. 

Already, Idos had to go to a meeting in town that he really did not want to attend. After that, he would listen to requests from the people who lived on his lands. Why didn't they wait til then? He didn't know. He was beyond annoyed, and the aching nub of his right arm was sore for unknown reasons.

The two serfs, one elven woman, and a human male walked inside the large room. Idos dismissed his butler until the two stopped at a suitable distance. They lowered their heads in respect before returning to their normal positions. The human male spoke first.

"I am sorry to bother you, Lord Caeles. We have come to request permission to marry in the church. We need approval before we are able to wed."

"I am aware." Idos said coldly. Kelin snatched the piece of paper from the man's hands before setting it in front of Idos. Serfs of their class were never suppose to come near their Lord or even touch him. Valider's rule of thinking that everyone below him is pathetic in anyway he sees it. Idos hated the rule, "Please tell me why this paper requests from visitors as well? Why is it that you wed when you are as old as yourselves?"

"Zoey's mother here is fairing well, and she wants to see her daughter wed before she passes into Luna's hands. She also wants to see the birth of her first grandchild," The man, named Thomas on the papers, patted the elven's stomach, signifying that they were expecting. Zoey smiled with hope in her green eyes.

Idos scanned the papers once more.

Church of Sagittarius under House Caeles :

Zoey Tashuce and Thomas Trevellon request to be wed at this specific location under the graces of Luna and permission from the Lord of House Caeles. They will be wed in three weeks time. They also request that Zoey's mother, Gracie Tashuce visit on LORD CAELES land until the two have officially binded together.


Idos glanced at her stomach and back at the papers, coming to a conclusion.

"I will approve of this marriage," Idos started, but the couple already started to celebrate, "But when the child is born, He or She will be a serf on my property as you are. I will provide food, clothing, and shelter in return for the child to be binded to the land. Only then will I sign this."

"Thank you, Lord Caeles. We accept!" Zoey had tears in her eyes, and Idos wasn't going to smile now. The sight brought him a rush of happiness, but he couldn't show it yet. With the paper signed in an almost perfect signature, they skipped out of the room with grins on their faces.

"You can breathe now, Idos," Kelin chuckled, and Idos let out a breath he surprisingly was holding in for the whole duration of that deal. 

Only Kelin, Charles, and Miller were able to see Idos as he normally was. The rest saw him as a strong leader, but most of the soldiers he commanded saw him as a teenager not able to handle an army. They mocked him behind his back, but he ignored it. He knew that they would always follow his orders or else Kelin would strike them with an iron fist.

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