"See! Soemthings going on."

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Kenzie's P.O.V.

My fingers were trembling as I walked into the school, naturally this would be the attitude i have walking into school. This was a different reason than the others, quite frankly one even I hadn't predicted. Walking up to 4 girls I'd never would have talked to by my choice, discussing our band which was never my intention of a part time job, and about the fact that I can't go on tour with one of the most popular boy bands in the world. I sighed as I rubbed my temples. My head hurt like hell. Eventually I heard a pattern of feet behind me and someone hoist me into the air. I couldn't help but feel as if I was being kidnapped and I squirmed. I heard a voice and my heart calmed for the second that I had to forget about what was bothering me all week.

"Tour! With boys! Cute ones!" Drea yelled in my ear and shook me. She set me down and I saw the excitement that spread across her face which made me feel even worse. "At least I hope their cute." She looked in deep thought.

"Uh, about that." I scratched the back of my head. I reopened my mouth before I was shoved to the side hallway. "What the -" I was cut off by Drea covering my mouth and pointing toward two familiar faces after giving me a sign to be quiet by putting a single finger across her lips. Alex and Brittany were again a little closer than normal which obviously gave Drea a reason to talk about it, again.

"See! Something is going on." She growled more than said. I looked up at her. After a few minutes she squinted even more and even I could see Brittany blinking her eyes more than normal. "Brittany only has that look when she-" she gasped. I was lost.

"When she -" She started hitting me cutting me off again from my question. I flinched at every hit as she told me to be quiet again. I rolled my eyes as I waited for her to be done eavesdropping on her ex best friend. Not being able to move because she seemed complacent on not allowing me to, she used me as her table. Then a crowd of kids came rushing by pushing the two girls into the locker behind them. As they passed you could find Alex's lips placed directly against Britts forehead. Drea gets off me and she has a smug look on her face and punched me repeatedly as she yelled 'see.'

"Drea, think about this. It could be anything. Brittany could do that to everyone. The kiss was an accident." I tried to pull some sort of logic out of the cocky girls body.

"You think about this! If Brittany was doing it to you what would you make out of it?" She crossed her arms. I opened my mouth once again strained of words, but my jaw clenched shut as I watched Alex try to struggle out of the younger girls arms, who refused strongly at the loss of contact."Ha ha!" She yelled and punched me again.

"What the hell?" I yelled at her as I held my arm in pain. "What was that for, your right. Not me."

"Oops, sorry. I've been hanging with Sam too much." She smiles awkwardly as she thinks of the girl that had been out for the passed couple days due to her concussion. The girl then looked over the corner of the wall and her eyes widened as her posture stiffened and she jumped back over noticing a angered Brittany coming.  I looked beyond the flustered girl and saw Alex talking to the girl we ran into by the movie theatre again.

Then Drea pushed me into the upset girl and I glared at her. Brittany put on a fake smile and asked,

"Oh, hey guys. Whatcha doing?." My palms started to sweat as the guilt ate me up as well as thinking about telling the girls. I blurted

"Not watching you and Alex that's for sure." I awkwardly smiled as well as laughed.

"What she means is she noticed you and Alex seem to be ok now. Right?" Drea saved me. Brittany gave us both a confused look, but answered.

"Yeah, we're fine why?" She tapped her foot.

"Oh, just wondering. You weren't getting along before. We're going on tour together. Which brings up good news. Right KK?"she smiled and I rolled my eyes at her dumb nick name for me.

"Uh, yeah about that. My step mom kinda said-" I whispered the last word "no."

"Isn't that great?! We're going to be on tour toge-" her expression changed. "Excuse me what?"

"I'm sorry I begged and begged and she gave me the cold shoulder and the 'families important crap.' and she wouldn't give in and I'm pretty sure she hates me and I don't know why and I'm sorry and I don't know how to fix it and-" I was again cut of by Drea covering my mouth and I mumbled my last words into her palm.

"Jesus Christ she talks." Brittany laughed. "It's an easy fix, we just have to get a gig here and invite your family so she can see how good you are and then realize she can't keep you from your undying dreams." She snapped in a way that made the plan seem easy and laughed as well. The bell rang and we all pulled our heads to the ceiling.

"Well, we'll talk about it later ok?" I ended the conversation and walked off to class Drea following close behind.

Sorry guys, I have serious writers block. I've had Major softball tournaments. Including GOING TO CALIFORNIA FOR THE JUNIOR WOMENS COLLEGE WORLD SERIES TO REPRESENT COLORADO! Wish me luck guys, I leave in Monday. Like and comment please and thank you!

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