Chapter 10: Theatre, My Dream

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So I said that I would tell how theatre was in one chapter and how it was for me in my freshmen year. Well, we're gonna dive right into it.

Before getting into this, I previously said that I was interested in acting when I was young after my mom and step-dad saw me acting out cartoons and memorizing pretty much every movie and cartoon word for word. So getting to be apart of a theatre class for this first time was an exciting thing for me and I could not wait to be apart of it.

This class also made my dream come true and made me want to be an actor, which of course was my dream job. I don't really know why, but I always wanted to act on T.V shows and movies and just be remembered as someone. I'm pretty sure I wanted this job not just for the fun of acting, but I kind of wanted to be a big name for the autism community, I wanted to show that anyone with autism can make it big in their career if they really tried.

But I'll get more into that when another time, we're still focused on my theatre class.

Well, when I first step into the Black Box, I felt like I was in another world at that point. Here I was not only learning how to be a better actor, but I would finally live my dream and be able to perform in front of an audience.

I also got to meet certain types of people, and seeing as how they were there to do the same thing I wanted to do I figured it would be easy to make some new friends. I was kind of wrong and kind of right.

One person who stood out of the group I will call "The Composer" cause surprisingly he was named after a famous composer. He was freakishly tall and was a big time guitar player.

I tried to communicate with him but that became a little complicated. I guess he talked too much like a joker, what I mean by this was that he loved to tease a lot of people when he talked to them. Don't get me wrong he didn't do it to be a humongous jerk, he was just the class clown of my classroom. But if there is one thing I could say about the guy that is good, is that he can definitely act on stage, he was very good.

I should've tried to get along with him a little more, but at the time, my social skills were still really rusty so doing that was like trying to climb Mt. Everest, it was almost impossible.

Another person I met was girl named Elise, which if I had to describe her in words these would be the words. Strict, ambitious, and headstrong which in my opinion, these are great traits to have when you are an actor.

She was a person who was not afraid to put her ideas out there and defend herself when need be, which of course was what I really respected about her. and just like 'The Composer' she could definitely act on stage.

She put everything I did and practiced for theatre to stage to shame, she get the attitude, the speech and emotion of the character on point just like that. I tried to talk with her and I guess that went a little okay, or as good as it could go.

Now I know your expecting me to tell you about a play that I got to perform in this class, well I'm afraid to say this but, there were no performances in that year. That's right, no performances.

Eastlake theatre didn't put on a single show for the whole year. We were going to perform "The Hobbit" but that never even came close to being completed. And I didn't even bother to audition for that play, cause truth be told, I never liked the "Lord of The Rings" series or "The Hobbit" series.

But we did do some fun improve acting exercises, which of course helped a lot of us.

Sadly, I did find a dark side to theatre class, and that was the slackers and the lazy students that attended the classes.

Some kids would only attended the class just because they thought they could use the class to slack off and not do anything at all. This was really aggravated me because if  I was paired with a person or a group of people who did nothing at all, then I knew things would not go well for me at all.

But despite all the problems, I found theatre an incredibly fun class and I had big plans to join again next year in my sophomore year.

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