Chapter 1.

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You felt yourself groan and stretched but instantly winced in pain. You sat up and looked at your surroundings. You were in some sort of cave.

You then remembered the fall. You looked up and only saw a tiny speck of light. How the hell am I not dead? You thought to yourself and stood up, wincing slightly. There was a pain in your ankle but you were sure it wasn't broken.

You looked down onto the yellow flowerbed you were laying on when you woke up. You came up with the conclusion that this flowerbed broke your fall. Also your backpack since you never did take it off due to you guys leaving straight from school.

You put your hand on your head and massaged a little because you had a pounding headache. But once you did you yelped in pain. You looked down at your hands and saw blood running down them.

You must've hit your head pretty hard for it to start bleeding. You walked your way over to a corner that turns. You slightly limped but it didn't cause you pain. You figured you just had a minor sprain and will fade away eventually. Though, the head injury seemed like it needed immediate care.

You turned the corner and instantly retracted behind the wall.

"Stoopid monsters. Tem wants to kill NOW!!" A weird cat thing grumbled in anger. You decided not to be stupid and wait for it to leave instead of approaching it like a moron.

You digged through your backpack and took out your sharpest pencil just incase.

"damn it! DIS guy again!? ugh Tem outs of here." The cat thing left. You heard bigger footsteps approaching to where the other monster used to be.

"Hm.. no humans today again?" A very deep voice said. Your face heated up in fear. You were a human! It was silent for awhile so you thought the new monster left so you peeked your head just to look. You were wrong.

The monster had spotted you. Well shit. You thought. "Oh! Seems I was mistaken. Come out little human, it's alright I will not harm you." He said in a deep voice. Crap he's coming closer! You gripped your pencil harder but then sighed.

You couldn't hurt him. You were not the kind of person to do that. You sighed again and dropped the pencil. You stood up and walked over with fear present in your movements.

"Oh, you look afraid. Don't be frightened child, I won't hurt you. I give you my promise little one." He smiled down at you. You wearily faked a smiled.

He grabbed your hand gently. You flinched but decided not to pull away. "My name is asgore, and I will be your caretaker from now on." Asgore said. You noticed that he looked like a goat, very fury and fluffy.

You debated whether you should trust him and decided somewhere in the middle. I got nowhere else to go so might as well stick with this guy.

He rested his big fury hand on your face. "Don't worry small child, I'll protect you. As long as you stay with me, I will guide you. You will be safe. Please trust me." He spoke softly.

The look in his eyes seemed sincere. You found yourself leaning into his hand. He then held your hand in his and began walking, looking back at you. He eventually led you through what you found out to be 'the ruins'

He taught you that monsters will attack, but Mercy was the right way to go. You knew you had to dodge their fight in order for them to eventually accept your mercy, but you found it easier to just run away.

Who could blame you? You had no way to revive yourself if you got hurt badly, and once you're dead you're dead. You decided that you won't hurt anything, and show them your mercy by running away. Good plan! You'll even try avoiding monsters all together except Asgore.

Tenderhearted (Blueberry Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now