Chapter 3

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Well technically I didn't see it my mate Shauna did but oh well I will take the credit for it anyway as it is my birthday. Anyway she saw I mean I saw the second clue which read "Hollie you've arrived at your second clue the third clue is near and old tree in the middle of the forest what are you waiting for get going before somebody else finds it first." Well I knew this tree very well it's the tree where I have my tree swing and I can climb nearly to the top of the tree. Anyway me, Shauna, Sara, and Caitlin made our way to the very familiar tree well I mean we ran or made our best attempt to over the thick roots stuck I the ground tripping up once or twice well that was mainly Caitlin but yeah we finally got there and Sara being Sara decided to sit on the tire of the tree swing with Caitlin pushing her but not very well as Caitlin is very weak literally all you have to do is touch her lightly and she will go flying its quite funny to do but she doesn't find it funny. Anyway me and Shauna read the next clue and it said "ahh so you've found this clue but unfortunately it's not the last your next clue is near water and horses but also near a small bridge you can walk there it's not far come on chop chop" we thought about it when an idea sprung to my head the Brooke had horses near by and a forest across the road could this be the location of the clue well only time will tell. 

Hello it's me again sorry I haven't updated in a while I haven't had much inspiration so didn't want it to be rubbish will try to upload a new part every Saturday or when I have internet hope you liked this part going to exit the previous chapters too as I've noticed to spelling mistakes which I will apologise for. Thank you for reading my fanfiction


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