Chapter 4

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We decided to wait for my little cousins and the rest of the family before running off again with Shauna, Caitlin and Sara to find the next clue and also we needed to catch our breath after all that running. I saw my family making there way over where we were and I picked up My youngest cousin Evie up and walked with the rest of the family to where we thought the next clue was. Evie was really excited as she really loves horses. We got a bored of listening to the adults ranting about God knows what so we put Evie down and ran a head over the old worn wooden bridge and then a bit further until we reached the horse field and Brooke. We looked everywhere for the next clue but we couldn't find it anywhere, so we waited and waited for the rest of the family to catch up and we all searched for it, the only place we forgot to search were the stables so me and Evie went to check and we saw it attached around my favourite horse that was at the field the grey one with white spots it was gorgeous, I took it off the horse went outside with it to read out and it said "Finally you reached your second to last clue your next one clue is by a fishing lake attached to a post near a old fishing house that all worn and dirty and who ever is writing these clues has bought you the grey and white spotted horse in the stables." Well that's weird that means it want my mum who wrote these clues like I suspected at first who could it be my auntie Liz who lives with me, no because she wouldn't buy me a horse would she? My cousin no because then Evie would want one. Who was this person whoever it was has got to have money to rent the stable and buy the horse who the heck was this person but I'm sure I will soon find out because i NEED to find out as soon as possible to thank them, well my mum should know who it was so I should just beg her to tell me I wonder if it will work oh well if it doesn't I will find out somehow but how?

Hey it's me again hope you are enjoying the story would love to hear what you think of it and if you want to be in the story either comment or DM your name and stuff and I will put you in the story please comment your opinion I won't take them personally if they are bad I want honest opinions
Thanks for reading
Hollie 💙❤️💚💛

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