Chat-pur 1~ Adrien Agreste!

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Chat-pur 1~Adrien Agreste

Adrien....Adrien fricken Agreste...the schools hottest boy! And the biggest....player ever.... Just when you walk into the school it's great! But only if your a boy, but it's horrible if your a GIRL! Because he has dated half of the whole school girls. He even slept with some of them. The boys call him Chat Noir for fun, he has a older brother named Plagg who is in love with cheese and his girlfriend Tikki.
   Anyways Adrien will date any new girl that comes. Take Lila for example, just when she came to this school she was a nice girl. Adrien made a move just when she stepped in, they make out at the end of the day, and causing Adrien to drag her to the janitors closet. Let's just say things got a bit heated there...The next day that's it! Their both done, that broke Lila's heart because she loved him a lot and he told her that he just used her for..let's say lemon!. So you may be wondering why he's like this well, let's see.
  It all started back in the beginning of high school, 9th grade, when Chloe and him were happily dating, he was happy.until.....he lost his mother. Adrien ran out of the room when he heard the news and he ran to Chloe's room in the hotel room and saw something that broke his heart even more, It was his old buddy Luke and her kissing without clothes on, in the bed. Chloe opened her eye and saw him m and pulled away.
" Adrien it's not what it looks like! H-" Chloe was cut of by Adrien shouting.
" SHUT THE HELL UP!! YOU SLUT! I loved you!? And this is what you do to me! Bullshit! No more excuses! bye Chloe!" Adrien ran out of the room.
End of flashback
And that's how it happened that's what happened to Adrien .... So now Adrien every single girl that he see's, he hits on them and breaks their hearts. Alya was the only one that he didn't like because that's his bestfriends girlfriend. Alya doesn't really like him because of what he does to these poor girls but she has to play with it,because there is no way to change him back to normal. Oh so they all thought.
End of Chat-purr 1 - Adrien Agreste

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